Our Faculty

Haven faculty members are highly skilled and bring their diverse qualifications, backgrounds and life experience into their work in support of the participants in their programs. They embody and model what they teach in a very personal way. Find out more about them below.

Core Haven Faculty

Al Chambers

Al Chambers M.Ed. (University of Victoria) and Diploma in Counselling from The Haven, has worked for over thirty years  as a therapist, group facilitator (for individuals, couples, teens, families and groups), and instructor at various universities and colleges throughout Asia and Canada.  Al was a licensed psychologist in China for 13 years and is now a member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association.  He is also a trained trauma counsellor and leads Come Alive and other programs at The Haven in Canada and in Asia.  He has extensive experience with a diversity of clients from many cultures who present…

Carole Ames

Carole Ames BES, DipC, RTC supports people, couples and groups in meaningful reflection, creative exploration, and effective integration. Her communication skills, humour and insight have been key in her career as a professional planner, trainer, facilitator, mentor and counsellor. Associated with The Haven since 1990, she leads programs including Come Alive, Living Alive Self-Awareness and Getting Unstuck: The Alchemy of Humour in both Canada and China. She is the founder and principal of Creative Pursuits in Victoria BC, offering Facilitation for Individuals, Relationships & Teams. Carole has recently collaborated on a book, “The Miracle Mindset” where she writes about her…

Cathy McNally

Cathy McNally BSc, DipC is passionate about people and possibility. Growing up in a mix of cultures, with a background in business and teams, Cathy is curious about the gift of differences, and is committed to connection and understanding. A particular joy is coaching relationships of all kinds. Following a major life change, she is exploring aliveness, loss and meaning through the adventure of movement, voice, creativity, nature, eros and community. Her trademark kindness, caring and fun make her a sought-after group leader. Associated with The Haven since 1989, Cathy believes that “living well, together” is necessary, urgent, and possible.

Cathy Wilder

Cathy Wilder, Haven Core Faculty, MEd, RCC, Dip-C, is a creative and compassionate group leader, counsellor and coach, who leads Come Alive, and Deep Listening: Core Skills for Coaching, and other workshops in both Canada and China. 
She is a skilled clinical counsellor with a specialty in addictions, alongside a deep understanding of mental health concerns, working with Fraser Health MHSU for twenty years.

CrisMarie Campbell

CrisMarie Campbell BS, MBA, DipC, Master Certified Martha Beck Coach, Mind-Body Coach, leads Come Alive and Couples Alive with Susan Clarke. Susan and CrisMarie co-founded Thrive! Inc.  CrisMarie is a mind-body, relationship and business coach. Whether you’re struggling with chronic pain or weight issues, yearning to revitalize your relationship, or wanting to kickstart your career or business, CrisMarie’s your coach. As an Olympic rower, she knows what it takes to create great results, and how to do it without giving yourself away! CrisMarie also enjoys tapping her own intuition and creativity as an artist, dancer and actor. View the Conflict: Use It, Don’t Defuse It, a…

Denise Goldbeck

Denise MA, PhD, DipC, RCC  is a developmentalist who specializes in social and moral development in children. She has been working with children, teens and families for 40 years. She is the founder of Kids in the Spotlight and the Youth Leadership Program and leads Personal Parenting. Denise’s purpose in life is to smooth the way for young people as they discover their identities and build their lives. She helps parents increase harmony in their homes and raise children who are prepared to thrive in our challenging world. Website: Kids in the Spotlight

Derek LaCroix

Derek LaCroix KC, DipC and Haven Board Chair, has practiced law for many years and has been an entrepreneur and a corporate executive. He is the Executive Director of the Lawyers Assistance Program of BC. Since 1987, Derek has made personal development, spiritual growth, and working with others his life focus.

Gillian Enright

Gillian Enright MA, RCT-C, CCC, RMT is an accomplished individual, and group relational counsellor, facilitator, activist, body worker and educator for over 30 years. Her educational path and life experience nurtures her passion for human transformation. She is known for her kind, rigorous, humorous, and questioning ways while encouraging others to know themselves, their relationships, and their communities in loving ways. Gillian’s somatic and complex trauma approach informs her compassion and understanding for those who deal with harm and violence. She dedicates herself to her conscious awake living and leads Haven’s Meaningful Connections-Living Alive 25-day program.

Graemme Brown

Graemme Brown (Dip.C / SEP) runs a private counseling practice on Gabriola Island. Associated with The Haven since attending his first experiential workshop there in 1985, he is dedicated to compassionate and gentle inquiry. Drawing on his expertise with the family-systems approach of Virginia Satir, Jungian shadow work and the trauma healing of Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing system, Graemme’s approach is to assist people to re-connect with their innate resilience and aliveness, fostering healthier relationships within the self, with others and with the planet. As a member of The Haven’s core faculty, Graemme co-leads Come Alive, Living Alive: Self Awareness,…

Ian Curtin

Ian Curtin BComm, DipC, specializes in facilitating dialogues within and between organizations, supporting relational leadership and teamwork, and promoting the art of living change. He believes communication habits form the building blocks of family relationships, work teams, and entire organizations. He has been associated with The Haven for 28 years, leading Come Alive and Couples in Conflict. He is a founding member of The Inner Activist.

Jane Olynyk

Jane Olynyk BA, Diploma TCM, DipC is a seasoned counsellor, licensed acupuncturist, and group facilitator. Blending Eastern and Western medicine and psychology, she offers a truly holistic view of working with body, mind and spirit. She leads Come Alive, New Horizons: Phase III, Five Elements Practicum, and Dynamic Empathy.

Jo-Ann Kevala

Jo-Ann Kevala Dip HGF, Dip BA is an experienced executive with over 25 years of progressive leadership experience in the high-tech and emerging technologies businesses. The Haven has been a catalyst in her journey to finding self-compassion, balance and a way to live a more congruent life. This has extended to include integration and application of many Haven concepts and models to her relationships, executive coaching, training and business leadership. As an entrepreneur together with her husband Rob, Jo-Ann owns and operates Hidden Pond a bed and breakfast and retreat center in Metchosin, BC. Jo-Ann leads Self Compassion as well as leads…

Jock McKeen

Jock McKeen MD, LicAc(UK), DLitt, co-founder of The Haven and Faculty Emeritus, is an accomplished presenter and author. Starting out as an emergency physician, he studied acupuncture at the College of Chinese Acupuncture, Oxford, England. After establishing a complementary medical practice in association with Bennet Wong, they collaborated in the development of The Haven. Together they created Come Alive, the Living Alive Phase programs, and a number of other central Haven programs. You can read more about Jock at the Wikipedia entry devoted to him and the work he’s done.

Leslie Whyte

Leslie Whyte DipC, Certified Calling in “The One” Conscious Uncoupling and Feminine Power Coach is a passionate and creative counsellor, group facilitator and relationship coach. She brings a wealth of knowledge, a strong desire to be personal and a depth of caring for the people she works with.  Her capacity to integrate what she is learning and teaching, brings a new dimension of wholeness to those she is working with inspiring them to transform their lives. Leslie has an enthusiasm for working with couples and individuals who wish to discover what is possible in their lives as they breathe new…

Linda Nicholls

Linda Nicholls DipC is an elder, serving as a guide in transformational circle work for more than thirty-five years in North America and internationally.  She is Senior Faculty with The Haven Institute on Gabriola Island, BC, Canada. She has worked intimately with people of all ages and several cultures leading programs that focus on body, breath and energy training; conscious breathwork; shadow exploration; communication skills; sexuality; grieving; defining boundaries; conscious alternatives to depression; reviewing and renewing relationships; guiding teens and youth into their adulthood, and more. Website: Linda Nicholls

Louise Amuir LIT

Louise Amuir (she/they), Diploma of Haven Counselling and Diploma of Haven Group Leadership is interested in creativity and expressive arts as a means to connect with self and others. Louise is committed to diversity, inclusion, equity, reconciliation, and building collaborative processes. Louise’s varied life experiences in theatre, writing, art, dance, music, working with street youth, youth in receiving and treatment homes, parenting, relationships, and meditation bring humour, mindfulness, curiosity, and play to her work with people. As Haven faculty, Louise leads/co-leads: Befriending your Inner Critic; Inner Wisdom for Women; Awareness through Creative Expression; and Haven New Year visioning programs and assists…

Susa Holt

Susa Holt, ND, MA, LMHC, SEP, Dip C, is a Psychotherapist who works with individuals, couples, groups and organizations, seeking meaningful responses to change while deepening capacity for relationships. Her career spans Naturopathic Medicine, Allopathic Medicine, Organizational Design and Counseling Psychology, including Somatic Experiencing trauma work. She first arrived at the Haven in 1985 and became a program leader in 1995. She currently leads Come Alive Programs and has led our Phase One program, Couples 911 and Self Compassion Workshops.

Susan Clarke

Susan Clarke DipC is co-founder of Thrive! Inc. with CrisMarie Campbell. Together they work with organizations and teams to develop trust, effective communication and strategic alignment. Susan’s journey through a life-threatening illness has given her a depth of experience and a commitment to living life full out. Associated with The Haven since 1984, she has led Come Alive for 30 years, as well as Living Alive: Self Awareness and the Couples Alive Series. View the Conflict: Use It, Don’t Defuse It, a video of Susan Clarke and CrisMarie Campbell presenting at TEDx Whitefish in 2015. Listen to this podcast on Passion and Intimacy – just one…

Toby Macklin

Toby Macklin MA, RCC, DipHCS leads Come Alive, Living Alive Phase I, New Horizons: Phase III and  the online Come Alive Integration program. He has a private online practice (goodcounselling.ca) working especially with men around trauma, change and growth. He is also a counsellor with the Vancouver Island Counselling Centre for Immigrants and Refugees. He has collaborated on several books with Maria Gomori and Haven founders Ben Wong and Jock McKeen.

Wen Shwu

Wen-Shwu Lee

Wen-Shwu Lee CEC, DipC, MBA, BFA, BA, PACT Level II Certification, SE Advanced Certification is a dedicated, accomplished, and personable educator who brings a wealth of cross-cultural experiences to her work. With a humanistic teaching approach, she seamlessly blends her extensive professional background with her life experiences. Wen-Shwu skillfully applies a variety of theories and techniques, including psychological counseling, coaching leadership, creativity inspiration, somatic experiencing, and relational transformation, in her holistic approach towards the development and integration of individuals’ physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee 

心理谘商文凭、企业教练硕士认证、企管硕士、艺术学士、文学士、身心整合夫妻疗愈认证、身体经验创伤疗法认证  CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, SEP, PACT Level II Certification, SE Advanced Certification   加拿大 The Haven 学院核心导师 加拿大 The Haven 学院前董事 加拿大 The Haven 学院前中国实习生总监   文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位中國人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。 https://pptrain.com/   Wen-Shwu Lee CEC, DipC, MBA, BFA, BA, SEP, PACT Level II is a dedicated, accomplished, and personable educator who brings a wealth of cross-cultural experiences to her work. With a humanistic teaching approach, she seamlessly blends her extensive professional background with her life experiences. Wen-Shwu skillfully applies a variety of theories and techniques, including psychological counseling, coaching leadership, creativity inspiration, somatic experiencing, and relational transformation, in her holistic approach towards the development and integration of…

Other Haven Faculty

Catherine Fallis

Catherine Fallis RCC, DipC, PhD has more than 25 years’ experience using movement and the expressive arts in her work with individuals and groups, both in her private practice and in the public school system in the Vancouver area. She studied Dance/Movement Therapy at the Naropa Institute in Boulder, Colorado.  She leads Moving into Connection at The Haven. Website: Catherine Fallis: Body Oriented & Expressive Arts Therapist

Elfi Dillon-Shaw

Elfi Dillon-Shaw DipC is a massage practitioner, bodyworker and educator with 20 years’ experience fostering experiences of pleasure and well-being. She teaches programs on sexuality, body practices and stress management, including Sexual Intelligence, Stirring the Cauldron, and Eros and Intimacy (with her husband Gary Dillon). She has worked at The Haven since 1983. Website: Heart Core Touch

Greg Gurel

Greg Gurel MPCC-S RPC ACC is a long time Havenite that has been involved with the Anger, Boundaries and Safety program since 1994 and became the leader in 2007. Currently living in Vancouver where he has a private counselling practice, Greg has also developed curriculum and taught counselling and coaching certification courses at a Vancouver based college with mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual components delivered experientially. Although Greg’s practice is diverse, for the last years he has been focusing more on conflict and boundaries in relationship, supervising/mentoring new counsellors, and providing continuing education courses. Website: The Right Time To Talk

Jane Kilthei

Jane Kilthei (she/they) RM (Hon), DipC brings an open heart and a desire to create a more compassionate world to the programs she leads and assists. She co-leads “Communication Basics: connecting when it matters”, “Communication Intensive: from Fundamentals to Mastery”, and assists at Come Alive, Couples Alive and other Haven core programs. Jane believes that deep listening and the courage to come forward and speak from our values are essential to creating the relationships and world we want. After 30+ years working as a midwife and change-maker, she now focuses on facilitating community dialogue and her resilience-focused coaching practice on…

Kristina Campbell

Kristina Campbell, DipHCS, RTC, is a multimedia artist who cares deeply about life and intimate connection. She delights in using creative processes to share her playful passion for living life fully. Website: https://www.artfulexistence.ca/staying-alive

Lizanne Foster headshot, Communication Intensive Facilitator with the Haven

Lizanne Foster

Lizanne Foster, a teacher who works with teens from diverse backgrounds in Surrey, BC, became a teacher by accident in South Africa during the Apartheid era. She describes teaching teens as an experience of constantly learning from their courage, creativity and genius. She integrates the Haven’s Communication Model into her teaching practice, introducing it within the first weeks of each semester. Lizanne is often surprised by how quickly students adapt the model for their own needs as they learn to resolve conflicts with clarity, honesty and kindness.  Lizanne has a Certificate in Haven Counselling Skills and is a welcome addition to teaching…

Louise Amuir

Louise Amuir (she/they), Diploma of Haven Counselling and Diploma of Haven Group Leadership is interested in creativity and expressive arts as a means to connect with self and others. Louise is committed to diversity, inclusion, equity, reconciliation, and building collaborative processes. Louise’s varied life experiences in theatre, writing, art, dance, music, working with street youth, youth in receiving and treatment homes, parenting, relationships, and meditation bring humour, mindfulness, curiosity, and play to her work with people. As Haven faculty, Louise leads/co-leads: Befriending your Inner Critic; Inner Wisdom for Women; Awareness through Creative Expression; and Haven New Year visioning programs and assists…

Sean Kearns

Sean Kearns has spent over 30 years supporting himself doing what he loves, and it has not always been easy.  His journey has been shaped by a profession in the skateboarding, surfing, and snowboarding industries, where he has dedicated learning to being in, and identifying with, his body. This deep-rooted embodiment has not only defined his professional experience, but also translated to his work in circles, and as a process group facilitator. Over the years, Sean has refined his practice to embody principles of connection, presence, and authentic, at times unapologetic, expression. Through his 16-year association with The Haven, he…

Sue Muirhead

Sue Muirhead, Dip C, MEd, RCC is a lover of deep connection, the wild, windy world, and passionate, soulful creating of all kinds. In her practice as a counsellor she shares with individuals, couples, families and groups.  She has been involved with The Haven since 1993.  She is committed to sinking into the profound and meaningful aspects of our human existence – living fully and facing dying with awareness and curiosity.

Vicky Fredericksen Headshot The Haven

Vicky Frederiksen

Vicky Frederiksen, Haven Assistant Faculty, Dip-C, Dip-HGF,  has been on the assistant faculty and leading programs at the Haven Institute for several years. She has also been training and assisting programs with Maria Gomori in the Satir model, for almost 10 years and has developed and facilitated her own programs in the Satir model for people and families. When she is not working: she loves painting, playing with her pets, exercising outdoors, and enjoying her community. She comes to you with the belief that we all have within us the resources, talents and ability to change.

Guest Faculty

Annika Raithby

Annika Raithby is a group facilitator who is passionate about supporting and educating people to be more connected to themselves, their friends, and their family. She believes that this kind of personal development work is necessary to help people feel more of themselves, expand their passions and make an impact in their lives and the world around them. Annika studied Child and Youth Care at Vancouver Island University and trained extensively at The Haven, on Gabriola, from a young age. Her knowledge and experience greatly inspired her interest in working with young people and families.   She also loves hands-on creativity. …

Bettina Rothe

Bettina Rothe is passionate about igniting one’s connection to the intelligence of the body. She is an embodied leadership coach, 5Rhythms® movement facilitator, and pioneer in the field of somatic intelligence. Bettina supports clients in the development of an authentic leadership presence that is powerful, compassionate and self-aware. She offers customized programs to a wide range of clients, from individuals to corporate organizations, to support them in developing new skills for the challenges they face in life and at work. Satisfied clients include Hootsuite, Tedx and Sony. After completing her degree in Psychology at the Technical University in Berlin, she studied…

Bev Bagnall-Hope

Swampy Cree. Bev offers an amassed 33 years as a social worker in various capacities in front line and leadership roles in First Nation community, NGO’s, Government, both Provincial & Territorial as well as within formal and informal educational settings. Bev is a champion at individual & community change initiatives facilitated in a culturally respectful process. Bev has been mentored and endorsed by Dr. Darlene Auger the visionary of the Wiwipson as a decolonized method of Traditional Healing. Bev has had her own baby swing bundle and has assisted others in their healing process for 18 years. Bev has been…

Christian Lapointe

Christian is a professional coach helping people, teams and organizations to learn to ask themselves more relevant questions. He has the goal of bringing more congruence into this world. He’s been a student of Maria Gomori and her way of teaching Satir since 2016 and is co-facilitating workshops and therapy groups for the past two years in Paris using the tools created by Virginia Satir. Christian also likes to brew beer and bake bread, because sometimes, the simple things are what life is all about.

Damian John

My name is Damian John, Damia, Denechoh. I am 45 years old this year and lead a life I am currently very happy with. I have been pursuing art as a primary part of my life for the last 6 years and have established myself as an artist exploring what it means to be a modern Indigenous person in this country we call Canada and the world. I have decided to use my art as voice for myself, my ancestors, and my relatives, my family. I am using it to explore the difficulties, the beauty, and all the ranges in…

David Hatfield

David Hatfield M.A., M.Ed. is a consultant and process facilitator specializing in masculinity, conflict facilitation and improvisational singing.  He is fascinated by change and transformation processes and is honoured to support people in making shifts in their sense of self and relationships.  In light of the troubles of our world, he also feels a sense of urgency about the befriending of change itself.  He loves playing music, sports and zipping around on his bike.  He acknowledges that he lives and works on unceded, traditional territory of Coast Salish people in Vancouver. Website: http://www.davidhatfield.ca

Emmanuel Gaillot

Emmanuel has worked in various roles — such as trainer, facilitator, systems jiggler, theatre translator, and software programmer. For the past fifteen years, he has been helping the people he works with to feel better about themselves, more confident in their choices and proud of what they accomplish. With Maria Gomori as his teacher, Emmanuel has trained extensively in the approach developed by Virginia Satir, deeply understanding, utilizing and sharing these teachings. He mostly lives in Paris, France.

Eric Bibb

Eric Bibb was born into a musical family and has been singing, song-writing, and performing since a young age. Surrounded by greats like Pete Seeger, Odetta, Paul Robeson, and his father Leon Bibb, Eric learned music and life at the feet of people who were masters of both. At The Haven, Eric leads Spirit in the Song, an exploration of music and creativity. Website: Eric Bibb

Frank Hope

Dehcho Dene NT a Residential School Survivor. Frank is fluent in his traditional language of Dene Zhatie. Frank has been involved with the Aboriginal Healing Foundation (AHF) since its inception as a Community Support Worker/Regional Liaison for the Yukon and the NT assisting communities to actively manage their funded contracts with AHF. He then became a Residential School Specialist facilitating psycho-educational trauma recovery healing programs in urban and remote communities in the NT. He then became the NT/Yukon representative/liaison for the Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) process. Most recently he has been working with the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and…

Gary Dillon

Gary Dillon

Gary Dillon MA has studied psychology, theology, and movement therapy, with an emphasis on Esalen massage and Hawaiian shamanic bodywork. He has wide experience in Taoist and Western esoteric transformations of Eros and offers a renewed and modern vision of sexuality and spirituality moving together. He co-leads Eros and Intimacy, Sex and Spirit for Couples with his wife Elfi Dillon-Shaw, and teaches internationally. Website: Heart Core Touch

Geoffrey Carr

Geoffrey Carr PhD, R.Psych, CPT-S completed his training in clinical psychology and neuroscience at McGill University in 1985. He has been a professor of psychology both at UBC and SFU, receiving high ratings from students and supervising clinical psychology students. He has been a Registered Psychologist in BC for 25 years, has been recognized as an expert in the assessment and treatment of children and adults at all levels of court in British Columbia, and has both published research and taught on psychological assessment. He is also a Certified Play Therapist. Website: Dr Geoffrey Carr

Jane Geesman

Jane Geesman MFA has over 40 years’ experience as an actor (onstage and on film), director and teacher, and has trained and/or led programs at The Haven since 1993. In 2001 she and Sarah Lucht developed Act Natural, a workshop that uses a blend of actor-training and personal-development concepts to explore communication,  creativity, and the obstacles within ourselves that stop us from fully expressing who we are and what we want.  Jane has a reputation for creating a safe, fun, and lively environment for people interested in developing their presence, confidence, and creative impulses, both professionally and personally.

Jay Wade

Jay Wade is a Victoria-based facilitator who leads transformative programs with youth and adults exploring masculinity, sexuality, gender, sustainable living, and nature connection. He is a Youth & Family Counsellor, Certified Sexual Health Educator, and an Intern at The Haven. Jay co-leads A Gathering of Men at The Haven and actively contributes to the design and delivery of the Haven’s Sexual Intelligence program.  

Jean McLendon

Jean McLendon, MSW, LCSW, LMFT, Director Advanced Studies, Satir Institute, UNC School of Social Work, Chapel Hill, NC. is a past president of the Virginia Satir Global Network and a recipient of its Living Treasure Award. Jean has over 50 years in the field of human relations. Mentored for nearly 20 years by the late Virginia Satir. Of Jean’s work, Satir once wrote: “Jean has that rare capacity to be able to sit in the airport control tower and, at the same time, be aware of all the planes in her vision and be able to help them find out…

Jennifer Fraser

Jennifer Fraser is an award-winning educator and best-selling author. Her new book The Bullied Brain: Heal Your Scars and Restore Your Health hit the shelves and airwaves in April 2022. World renowned neuroscientist, Dr. Michael Merzenich says it is “scientifically the most thorough treatment of the subject on planet earth.” Jennifer’s learning about how vulnerable our brains are to negative behaviours and how remarkable they are at healing has her excited to coach others to harness their neuroplasticity for health and happiness. With a PhD in Comparative Literature, she learned how to take different discourses out of their silos and…

Jennifer Roger Blair Stanley

Jennifer Roger and Blair Stanley

Jennifer Roger BAppSc(PT), MD, CCFP and Blair Stanley BSc, MD, FCFP are rural family physicians and clinical faculty with the University of British Columbia. They bring a passionate interest in promoting personal development to their work, as they see it as fundamental to an individual’s wellness. As seasoned facilitators, they draw from a wealth of learnings and experience. Personally, Jen and Blair have each been through separation and divorce and lived as single people in their 40s before coming together as life partners. Together they lead Life after Separation and Relationships Skills for Singles, offering compassion, support and opportunity for growth through…

Karla Osborne

Karla Osborne, RTC, CIMHP, CFAP, CTP, CertHCS, is a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor, Certified Integrative Mental Health Professional, Internationally Certified Food Addiction Professional, and a Certified Trauma Professional with a Certificate in Haven Counselling Skills. She has been involved with the Haven since 2012 and works in private practice as a counsellor,  group facilitator and educator. Karla has an honest, calm and compassionate style and has been working with people in a variety of contexts and capacities since 2007. Her breadth of personal and professional experience is an asset as she incorporates her understanding of relationships, human growth and development, trauma,…

Kelly Price

Kelly Price is a Certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT), Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facilitator (TCTSY-F), and Continuing Education Provider (YA-CEP). She is currently completing a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology.      As a trauma-informed yoga therapist and educator, her approach integrates advanced training in the therapeutic, technical and spiritual applications of yoga with an in-depth knowledge of trauma theory, attachment theory, internal family systems theory and somatic & transpersonal psychology.  Kelly has decades of experience working in child and youth care, street outreach, residential treatment, and private yoga therapy practice. She currently specializes in offering individual yoga therapy sessions, therapeutic classes and workshops…

Leah Hokanson

Leah Hokanson is a a life-long adventurer of sound and listening—as a classical pianist, vocalist, choral director, improviser, singer/songwriter; and now as a facilitator of programs exploring vocal sounding and listening as vibrational portals to healing and Wholeness. She lives on Gabriola Island, BC, surrounded by natural beauty, with gratitude for our community, and the Coast Salish people—specifically the Snuneymuxw First Nation. Over the years she has had the pleasure and privilege of working with several pioneers of vocal improvisation and vocal sound healing, including Chloé Goodchild, David Hatfield, Jill Purce, Rhiannon, and Karina Schelde. Her work is also informed…

Lynette Jackson

Lynette is an adult educator, spiritual spelunker, and program ‘midwife,’ with over forty years’ experience helping to breathe life into budding opportunities. Gabriola has provided a sweet home base for her family for the past two decades. Lynette’s early years focused on scholarship, music, and immersion in both conventional and less orthodox expressions of spirituality: initiation into a mystical tradition at age 12, confirmation in the United Church at age 14, and receipt of the Governor General’s Medal for academic achievement at age 17. She studied classical piano and music theory with the Royal Conservatory of Toronto for a dozen of those…

Michael O'Neill

Michael is trained as a somatic and psychedelic therapist and carries a Master’s degree with a specialty in psychedelic integration.  Michael’s practice is grounded in many years of serious meditation practice and training in multiple healing and initiatory modalities across several traditions.  He is passionate about group and embodiment work and transformational work in nature.  He lives in an off-grid community in the Kootenays and is devoted to supporting people’s transformation so we can all live in a more beautiful and life-serving world.

Mitch Miyagawa

Mitch Miyagawa

Mitch became a Certified Trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication in 2014. Since then, he has worked with hundreds of people, in workshops, intensives, summer camps, workplaces, and year-long programs. He was on the leadership team for the 2017 New York Intensive in NVC, and is also an award-winning writer and documentary filmmaker. He received the 2013 Writers Guild of Canada’s Screenwriting Award for his documentary A Sorry State, about the meaning of government apologies. Website: http://farthestshore.org/

Sarah Lucht

Sarah Lucht is a professional actor, educator and coach. A member of Actors’ Equity and the Screen Actors Guild, she has 35 years’ experience in theatre, film and television. She has been training and leading programs at The Haven since 1995. With Jane Geesman she leads Act Natural, a program which combines actors’ training techniques with Haven concepts and models. Sarah and Jane have created a vehicle for exploring self-expression and creativity in the context of theatre arts. Sarah uses her expertise, warmth and humour to invite people to explore and express their intuition, presence and engagement with others. Website:…

Solanna Anderson

Solanna Anderson BA, MA, DipC is a Somatic Sex Educator who works with groups and individuals to support embodiment, consent, pleasure and intimacy skills. She is certified in Haven Counseling skills, Somatic Sex Education and Expressive Writing and her research on sexual health has been published in international peer-reviewed journals. Solanna regularly assists Come Alive and is a Leader in Training for the Living Alive programs at the Haven and also leads programs on anxiety and stress and sexuality.