Recording of “Jock’s Journey”
With Jock McKeen
Open Dates
Listen to Jock and his son, Kevin Wong, as they discuss Jock’s journey from doctor to co-founder of Haven, to current day. Jock McKeen, co-founder of the Haven, began his career as a medical doctor. Jock will discuss with Kevin their mutual attraction to the sciences, and Jock's expansion into the Eastern approaches to medicine and health. The journey continues onto Jock's meeting of Kevin’s father, psychiatrist Bennet Wong, and how their sharing of ideas eventually led to the birth of Haven. During this time, Kevin earned his PhD in Biochemistry, which led to rich conversations between Jock, Ben and…
Luminaries on Demand
With Jock McKeen, Dr Muna Osman, Greg Gurel, Sheila Marentette, Bettina Rothe, Kathrin Stauffer, Cayley Benjamin, Leslie Brown, Dr. Brian Jarrett, Cathy McNally, Cathy Wilder, Dr Fred Voon, Lizanne Foster, Karen Minden, Victoria Creighton, Jackie Larkin, Maggie Ziegler, Bev Bagnall-Hope, Frank Hope, Jennifer Roger and Blair Stanley, Thierry Vrain, Shakil Choudhury, Kelly Price, Kevin Wong and Peter Joyes
Open Dates
This is a recording archive of the live Lunch with Luminaries seminars that have been hosted at The Haven Online starting in 2021. This webinar series shares different perspectives on a variety of topics of interest to our community. These talks pay homage to early Haven days where co-founders Ben and Jock invited various thought leaders into conversation - sometimes they agreed with the ideas shared and sometimes they didn't.
记录 Recording | 青年領導力 Youth Leadership
With 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee and 傑米森 Jamison Schulz-Franco
Open Dates
通常我們會以我們所做的工作,我們的交友圈,或是我們的專業成就來定義自己。我們常被告知,年輕正是成長和改變的關鍵時期!我們也被期待著,在兼顧無數其他任務的『同時,』我們不要錯失了這關鍵的年輕時刻!現在加上當今政治和社會的動盪,抗爭衝突,以及全球疫情蔓延,年輕族群的生活真的變成了壓力,而不再是樂趣!無論清晰與否,我們對生活總有願景,我們規劃著如何向世界、向家人,或是向我們的伴侶證明自己。然而,面對這種種喘不過氣的壓力,學校與社會教育給年輕人的,似乎只是讓我們精進在個人的專業科目上,並沒有真正引導我們如何向內看,與自己的情感連結,面對失敗挫折,或者如何建立親密關係。在不了解自己的前提下,我們又怎麼知道自己想要什麼?~ So often we define ourselves by our jobs, our friend groups, our occupations and our accomplishments. As young people we are told that we are in a crucial period of growth and change, yet the expectation is that we do that while managing a thousand other tasks, all at once. When you pile on political and social upheaval, war and conflict, and a worldwide pandemic, life can become more of a stress than a pleasure. Whether we know it or not, we have a vision for our lives, mapping out how we want to prove ourselves to the world,…
记录 Recording | 友谊与超越:玛丽亚和琳达的旅程 Friendship and Beyond: Maria and Linda’s Journey
With 琳达· 尼科尔 斯 Linda Nicholls and 瑪莉亞‧葛茉利 Maria Gomori
Open Dates
加入我們一起來見證這場引人入勝的對話 - 瑪莉亞‧葛茉利,薩提爾模式最重要的導師之一,和麥基卓,海文學院的聯合創始人,這兩位經驗豐富的教育工作者,將在線上有一場對話分享他們所代表的這兩種成長模式。 維琴尼亞‧薩提爾(1916~1988)被譽為世上最早也是最有影響力的家庭治療師之一,但她的成就遠超於此。她與海文學院的兩位創辦人黃煥祥博士(1930~2013)以及麥基卓博士結緣於1970年代,在共同好友瑪莉亞‧葛茉利的介紹下開始他們的友誼。
记录 Recording | 成為合諧共創的生命 – 在薩提爾與海文的連結中讓生命精彩綻放 Becoming: The Satir & Haven Connection
With 瑪莉亞‧葛茉利 Maria Gomori and 麥基卓 Jock McKeen
Open Dates
加入我們一起來見證這場引人入勝的對話 - 瑪莉亞‧葛茉利,薩提爾模式最重要的導師之一,和麥基卓,海文學院的聯合創始人,這兩位經驗豐富的教育工作者,將在線上有一場對話分享他們所代表的這兩種成長模式。 維琴尼亞‧薩提爾(1916~1988)被譽為世上最早也是最有影響力的家庭治療師之一,但她的成就遠超於此。她與海文學院的兩位創辦人黃煥祥博士(1930~2013)以及麥基卓博士結緣於1970年代,在共同好友瑪莉亞‧葛茉利的介紹下開始他們的友誼。
ONLINE: Group Check-in – September 19th
September 19, 2024
Are any of these statements true for you? ~ I sometimes feel isolated and alone. ~ It's important to me to be heard and acknowledged. ~ Hearing about other people's experiences helps me feel connected. ~ I want to learn more about the Haven or practice the skills I've learned. ~ I benefit from reminders and accountability to check in with myself and prioritize my wellbeing.
Come Alive
With Cathy Wilder and Graemme Brown
September 22 - 27, 2024
In Person at The Haven
The magic of Come Alive is in our unique history, renowned communication and relationship models, community dynamic, and oceanfront setting on Gabriola Island. With support and guidance, you will learn and practice the Haven models of communication, relationship and self-responsibility, through a range of opportunities for personal learning. Group activities, discussions and experiences take place in both large and small group settings. Come Alive is our most popular core program and the perfect place to begin or continue your journey in personal or professional growth and transformation.
Understanding Ourselves and Others
With Jane Kilthei and Mark Etkin
October 3 - 6, 2024
In Person at The Haven
Book now and get CAD $60.00 off listed prices. Offer valid until Sep 19, 2024.
This 3-day interactive introduction to “understanding ourselves and others” uses the lens of psychodynamics to explore how the process of human development shapes the way we relate to others, even beginning in early childhood. By exploring our own personality patterns, including our defenses, we can learn to recognize those patterns in both ourselves and others. In our work and our personal lives, this awareness can help us be both more compassionate with ourselves, and better able to connect, engage with, and support others as whole people in all the area of our lives.
ONLINE: Group Check-in – October 3rd
October 3, 2024
Are any of these statements true for you? ~ I sometimes feel isolated and alone. ~ It's important to me to be heard and acknowledged. ~ Hearing about other people's experiences helps me feel connected. ~ I want to learn more about the Haven or practice the skills I've learned. ~ I benefit from reminders and accountability to check in with myself and prioritize my wellbeing.
Anger, Boundaries and Safety
With Greg Gurel
October 3 - 6, 2024
In Person at The Haven
This program offers participants opportunities to both express and witness the safe and boundaried expression of anger. This is helpful for people who have previously expressed their anger violently and no longer want to do this. It is also crucial for people who say they never get angry or, perhaps because of early experiences of violence, avoid any hint of anger today. For both these groups of people, emotional, physical and relationship dysfunction may have resulted. This program will open up exciting new possibilities for you, whatever experiences of anger and/or violence you have had until now.
Embodied Resilience: A Therapeutic Yoga Retreat
With Kelly Price
October 3 - 6, 2024
In Person at The Haven
When we regularly feel unsafe in our bodies due to chronic stress, chronic pain, illness or trauma, natural patterns within our nervous system can become patterns of dysregulation. If prolonged, these patterns can negatively impact our physical and psychological health, relationships, and ability to connect to joy, meaning and purpose. ~ This therapeutic retreat integrates yoga therapy, trauma theory, PolyVagal theory, internal family systems, attachment theory and neuroscience and offers a holistic framework for embodiment, befriending your nervous system and cultivating physiological and psychological resilience.
Living Alive: Self Awareness
With Carole Ames and Jo-Ann Kevala
October 6 - 31, 2024
In Person at The Haven
The Living Alive programs offer the unique experience of time, space, and guidance to help you (re)discover who you truly are. For 25 days, you’ll have the opportunity to create and establish new or different patterns for conscious living. In Living Alive: Self Awareness the focus is on self-awareness - becoming aware of your individual patterns of behaviour and energy. You'll learn to make more informed decisions about things that affect you, your life, and your relationships. You'll discover, transform, and release energy blockages that negatively impact your health and wellbeing.
Couples Alive: Foundation
With Cathy McNally and Graemme Brown
October 7 - 11, 2024
In person at The Haven
Couples Alive is our core offering for people in a primary relationship. With support and guidance from highly skilled leaders, you will learn and practice The Haven's models for communicating and relating with your partner and learn from the diversity of experience around you. All couples meet together during the day and into the evenings, with breaks for relaxation, connection, or adventure in between. In addition to group activities, experiential learning, and discussion, there will be opportunities for the program leaders to support each couple with coaching and feedback.
Come Alive
With Susan Clarke and CrisMarie Campbell
October 27 - November 1, 2024
The Haven
Book now and get CAD $100.00 off regular price. Remaining balance due on or before Sep 28, 2024 to qualify for CAD $100.00 off regular price. This offer valid until Sep 28, 2024.
The magic of Come Alive is in our unique history, renowned communication and relationship models, community dynamic, and oceanfront setting on Gabriola Island. With support and guidance, you will learn and practice the Haven models of communication, relationship and self-responsibility, through a range of opportunities for personal learning. Group activities, discussions and experiences take place in both large and small group settings. Come Alive is our most popular core program and the perfect place to begin or continue your journey in personal or professional growth and transformation.
Couples Alive 2: Igniting Passion and Aliveness
With Susan Clarke and CrisMarie Campbell
November 1 - 5, 2024
In person at The Haven
Book now and get CAD $80.00 off regular price plus a $500 per couple discount. Remaining balance due on or before Oct 1, 2024 to qualify for CAD $80.00 off regular price. This offer valid until Oct 1, 2024.
Couples Alive 2 is about igniting passion and aliveness together and is part 2 in our Haven core series for people in primary relationship. Passionate expression and healthy power-struggle can help establish growth and acceptance – as individuals and as a couple. In this program couples work to identify and share personal characteristics, beliefs and behaviours; go beyond 'good-bad' judgments, and explore how these traits can be embraced to enhance relationship.
Weaving the Threads of Consciousness: Integrating Psychedelic and Peak Experiences
With Linda Nicholls ~ and Michael O'Neill
November 7 - 10, 2024
Book now and get CAD $60.00 off regular price. Remaining balance due on or before Oct 9, 2024 to qualify for CAD $60.00 off regular price. This offer valid until Oct 9, 2024.
Weaving the Threads of Consciousness: Integrating Psychedelic and Peak Experiences Transformative work is vital to support the shifts in consciousness necessary to adapt, thrive and lead in the complexity of these very interesting times. There are many wonderful opportunities to help these consciousness shifts through psychedelic and other altered state processes however, many participants who have these ‘transformative experiences’ neglect to integrate them sufficiently. The transformative potential of the experience and the resources invested are wasted, or worse, the person’s world is completely destabilized. Our intention with this workshop is to honor the transformative potential that lies in participants' past…
Couples In Conflict
With Ian Curtin and Colleen Cuggy
November 8 - 10, 2024
In person at The Haven
Book now and get CAD $40.00 off regular price. Remaining balance due on or before Oct 10, 2024 to qualify for CAD $40.00 off regular price. This offer valid until Oct 10, 2024.
This weekend program is for couples who are having difficulty resolving conflicts. This may be the result of a lack of communication, an affair, extreme frustration, years of ‘all work and no play’, or the strain of blending two new families. You will learn valuable tools and develop greater insight and clarity about your relationship. Couples will work together as a pair in a small group setting with individualized attention. Also, each couple will receive a private counselling session to deal with their own particular issues. Various exercises will be presented to help bring clarity to your relationship, including ‘homework’…
Living Alive: Meaningful Connections
With Gillian Enright and Cathy McNally
November 10 - December 5, 2024
In Person at The Haven
Book now and get CAD $500.00 off regular price. This offer valid until Oct 12, 2024.
Both Living Alive programs offer the unique experience of time, space, and guidance to help you (re)discover who you truly are. For 25 days, you’ll have the opportunity to create and establish new or different patterns for conscious living. The focus for Living Alive: Meaningful Connections is relationships - how you see yourself, how other people see you, and how you engage in relationships. You'll have an in-depth opportunity to engage more consciously and fully in your life and relationships.
Act Natural: Rediscover the Play in Life
With Jane Geesman and Sarah Lucht
November 14 - 17, 2024
In Person at The Haven
Book now and get CAD $60.00 off regular price. Remaining balance due on or before Oct 16, 2024 to qualify for CAD $60.00 off regular price. This offer valid until Oct 16, 2024. Package prices include room, regular tuition and meals.
Acting on stage requires the ability to call on different aspects of one’s personality and emotional life to tell the story with truth and clarity. This is something we all do in life: We play roles, put on different hats, and behave in specific ways in order to achieve our goals. You will learn to better identify and implement your creative and problem-solving resources in an environment of connection, collaboration, and community – with an emphasis on spontaneity and fun.
Breathe: Recalibrate
With Linda Nicholls
November 22 - 24, 2024
In Person at The Haven
Book now and get CAD $40.00 off regular price. Remaining balance due on or before Oct 24, 2024 to qualify for CAD $40.00 off regular price. This offer valid until Oct 24, 2024.
The association of breath with spirit, with the divine, is deeply rooted in so many of our ancient indigenous cultures, including Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, the meditative and spiritual core of yogic traditions, Christianity and Judaism. This knowledge has been preserved and is practiced today by shamans, mystics, yoga masters, healers, medicine people, meditators and available to all of us should we choose to learn.
Pathways to Resilience
With Graemme Brown and Karla Osborne
November 25 - 29, 2024
Book now and get CAD $80.00 off regular price. Remaining balance due on or before Oct 27, 2024 to qualify for CAD $80.00 off regular price. This offer valid until Oct 27, 2024.
Resilience is not merely the ability to endure difficulty: Rather, it is the conscious use of our resources as well as the desire to get back up and dust ourselves off after a set-back or a loss. It is nurturing the faith in ourselves to locate and utilize our innate skills to move beyond just surviving and into thriving and wholeness. In this workshop we will explore how to re-connect with our innate resilience via the ‘felt-sense’ approach, combining a diverse range of modalities.
Come Alive
With Ian Curtin and Louise Amuir LIT
December 1 - 6, 2024
In Person at The Haven
Book now and get CAD $100.00 off regular price. Remaining balance due on or before Nov 2, 2024 to qualify for CAD $100.00 off regular price. This offer valid until Nov 2, 2024.
The magic of Come Alive is in our unique history, renowned communication and relationship models, community dynamic, and oceanfront setting on Gabriola Island. With support and guidance, you will learn and practice the Haven models of communication, relationship and self-responsibility, through a range of opportunities for personal learning. Group activities, discussions and experiences take place in both large and small group settings. Come Alive is our most popular core program and the perfect place to begin or continue your journey in personal or professional growth and transformation.
Come Alive
With Linda Nicholls
January 1 - 6, 2025
In Person at The Haven
Book now and get CAD $100.00 off regular price. Remaining balance due on or before Dec 3, 2024 to qualify for CAD $100.00 off regular price. This offer valid until Dec 3, 2024.
The magic of Come Alive is in our unique history, renowned communication and relationship models, community dynamic, and oceanfront setting on Gabriola Island. With support and guidance, you will learn and practice the Haven models of communication, relationship and self-responsibility, through a range of opportunities for personal learning. Group activities, discussions and experiences take place in both large and small group settings. Come Alive is our most popular core program and the perfect place to begin or continue your journey in personal or professional growth and transformation.
Kids in the Spotlight Spring Break (KITS)
With Denise Goldbeck
March 23 - 28, 2025
at The Haven
Kids in the Spotlight (KITS), created and run by counselor and Developmental Psychology MA Denise Goldbeck, is an evidence-based 5-day performing arts retreat experience that facilitates phenomenal breakthroughs for children, youth, and their families. Over the course of five unforgettable days, participants of Kids in the Spotlight create and perform in a musical production. Along the way, they learn to communicate, respect themselves and others, express themselves confidently, overcome challenges, and heal from difficult experiences.
加拿大海文學院探心之旅 《自我觉察精粹:活出生命熱情》Mandarin Living Alive: Self Awareness Essentials
With 琳达· 尼科尔 斯 Linda Nicholls and 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
June 6 - 19, 2025
亲临加拿大海文學院 The Haven
Book now and get CAD $1,000.00 off listed price!
Offer valid until Sep 29, 2024
$6000 for registrations with deposit paid before December 31, 2024.
$6500 for registrations with deposit paid after January 1, 2025.
$6000 for registrations with deposit paid before December 31, 2024.
$6500 for registrations with deposit paid after January 1, 2025.
The Mandarin Living Alive programs offer the unique experience of time, space, and guidance to help you (re)discover who you truly are. For 12 days, you’ll have the opportunity to create and establish new or different patterns for conscious living. In Living Alive: Self Awareness the focus is on self-awareness - becoming aware of your individual patterns of behaviour and energy. You'll learn to make more informed decisions about things that affect you, your life, and your relationships. You'll discover, transform, and release energy blockages that negatively impact your health and wellbeing.
LAUNCH: Youth Leadership Training
With Denise Goldbeck
July 6 - 11, 2025
at The Haven
The LAUNCH Youth Leadership program has enabled youth from ages 13 to 20-something to coach, teach, and train children participating in KITS, an evidence-based performing arts program. Based on current developmental peer-reviewed research, LAUNCH allows youth to discover their leadership strengths in a practical, hands-on setting. Together, the youth of LAUNCH and the children of KITS form a community mimicking an ancient human village. In these villages, people of all ages developed crucial skills and vital cultures together.
LAUNCH: Youth Leadership Training
With Denise Goldbeck
July 6 - 11, 2025
at The Haven
The LAUNCH Youth Leadership program has enabled youth from ages 13 to 20-something to coach, teach, and train children participating in KITS, an evidence-based performing arts program. Based on current developmental peer-reviewed research, LAUNCH allows youth to discover their leadership strengths in a practical, hands-on setting. Together, the youth of LAUNCH and the children of KITS form a community mimicking an ancient human village. In these villages, people of all ages developed crucial skills and vital cultures together.
Kids in the Spotlight #1 (KITS)
With Denise Goldbeck
July 13 - 18, 2025
at The Haven
Kids in the Spotlight (KITS), created and run by counselor and Developmental Psychology MA Denise Goldbeck, is an evidence-based 5-day performing arts retreat experience that facilitates phenomenal breakthroughs for children, youth, and their families. Over the course of five unforgettable days, participants of Kids in the Spotlight create and perform in a musical production. Along the way, they learn to communicate, respect themselves and others, express themselves confidently, overcome challenges, and heal from difficult experiences.
Kids in the Spotlight #2 (KITS)
With Denise Goldbeck
July 20 - 25, 2025
at The Haven
Kids in the Spotlight (KITS), created and run by counselor and Developmental Psychology MA Denise Goldbeck, is an evidence-based 5-day performing arts retreat experience that facilitates phenomenal breakthroughs for children, youth, and their families. Over the course of five unforgettable days, participants of Kids in the Spotlight create and perform in a musical production. Along the way, they learn to communicate, respect themselves and others, express themselves confidently, overcome challenges, and heal from difficult experiences.
Kids in the Spotlight #3 (KITS)
With Denise Goldbeck
July 27 - August 1, 2025
at The Haven
Kids in the Spotlight (KITS), created and run by counselor and Developmental Psychology MA Denise Goldbeck, is an evidence-based 5-day performing arts retreat experience that facilitates phenomenal breakthroughs for children, youth, and their families. Over the course of five unforgettable days, participants of Kids in the Spotlight create and perform in a musical production. Along the way, they learn to communicate, respect themselves and others, express themselves confidently, overcome challenges, and heal from difficult experiences.
Kids in the Spotlight #4 (KITS)
With Denise Goldbeck
August 3 - 8, 2025
at The Haven
Kids in the Spotlight (KITS), created and run by counselor and Developmental Psychology MA Denise Goldbeck, is an evidence-based 5-day performing arts retreat experience that facilitates phenomenal breakthroughs for children, youth, and their families. Over the course of five unforgettable days, participants of Kids in the Spotlight create and perform in a musical production. Along the way, they learn to communicate, respect themselves and others, express themselves confidently, overcome challenges, and heal from difficult experiences.
Kids in the Spotlight #5 (KITS)
With Denise Goldbeck
August 10 - 15, 2025
at The Haven
Kids in the Spotlight (KITS), created and run by counselor and Developmental Psychology MA Denise Goldbeck, is an evidence-based 5-day performing arts retreat experience that facilitates phenomenal breakthroughs for children, youth, and their families. Over the course of five unforgettable days, participants of Kids in the Spotlight create and perform in a musical production. Along the way, they learn to communicate, respect themselves and others, express themselves confidently, overcome challenges, and heal from difficult experiences.