加拿大海文學院探心之旅 《自我觉察精粹:活出生命熱情》Mandarin Living Alive: Self Awareness Essentials
With 琳达· 尼科尔 斯 Linda Nicholls and 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
June 6 - 19, 2025
邀請您和我們一起向爱啟程 …
這是加拿大 HAVEN 学院最受歡迎的核心课程
琳达·尼科尔斯 Linda Nicholls 主導
李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee 共同帶領及翻譯
Mandarin Living Alive: Self Awareness Essentials
加拿大 HAVEN 学院
加拿大 Haven 学院是一所在北美乃至全世界都负有盛名的个人身心成长教学机构,学院位于温哥华岛 Vancouver Island 附近的加布里奥拉岛上 Gabriola Island。于1983年由黄焕祥 Dr. Bennet Wong 和麦基卓 Dr. Jock McKeen 二位医生创立,是加拿大備受讚譽的成長中心。Haven以其专业及包容东西方智慧的教学理念,课程涵盖中国哲学、中医、能量學,以及西方心理学及美學等。在加拿大、北美乃至全球个人身心成长領域均享有盛誉。学院的学员及導師團隊来自各行各业,其中不乏心理学大师:維吉尼亞·萨提亚 Virginia Satir、卡爾·惠特科爾 Carl Whitaker、玛利亚·葛莫莉 Maria Gomori、琳达·尼科尔斯 Linda Nicholls、艾瑞克·毕伯 Eric Bibb,以及各行业精英。
加布里奥拉岛 Gabriola Island

在一个高度体验以及尊重选择的學習環境中,您将深入地探索各種 Haven 的模型工具和理論概念,有机会实践并拓展自己的存在與格局。課程中我們鼓励所有参与學員在彼此尊重的氛圍中,质疑他们的假设,探索他们的信念,并挑战他们的模式。加入這個探索浩瀚生命的旅程,参与自我发现和在關係中转化的终极体验。
自我覺察 – 认识我独特的行为模式和能量型態
如果以下任何情况适用于您,中文的《自我觉察精粹:活出生命熱情》Living Alive: Self Awareness Essentials is for you 就是为您准备的:
- 我想對影響我的生活和關係的事物做出更明智的決定。
- 我想轉化和釋放對我個人健康幸福產生負面影響的阻塞。
- 我正在經歷個人的轉變,不確定接下來會發生什麼。
- 我想更好地了解自己,自己的模式,並做出改變。
- 我想探索和發揮我內在的智慧、力量和資源。
- 我想落實海文的溝通模式,與他人建立更深刻、更真實的連結。
- 我好奇並想學習其他人在不同情境中如何看我,如何經驗我。
- 我想更多發現並擁抱全部的自己,包括幻想的我、隱藏的我、陰暗的我。
- 我發現自己困在自我破壞或對自己無益的行為模式中。
「不管過去發生了什麼,我仍然可以對自己的生活負責,我可以將主導權交還給自己,我讓自己變強大,原來我是有選擇的!」 ~ Jay,學員回饋
- 一個深入自我的機會,更有意識地參與您的生活和人際關係。
- 給自己一段暫時離開的時間,重新與自己,與大自然連接 – 在 Haven 美麗的七英畝濱海森林土地上。
- 將您的個人成長和 Haven 的學習體系提升至新的水平。
- 對參加過潛力甦醒 Come Alive 的朋友們,我們將更深入地探索 Haven 的模型工具:溝通模式、外在權勢與內在力量的連續線、共鳴模式、全我模式。
- 對於尚未參加潛力甦醒 Come Alive 的朋友們,我們會有充分的機會學習、實踐和整合上述這些模型。
- 經由專業引導的身心體驗,能有效提高您在身體、心智和情感上的覺察與意識。
- 對您的生活福祉做有意義和永續的投資:12天從根發現自我轉化生命。
- 經驗豐富的課程導師,在 Haven 和各自專業領域中接受過高度培訓。
- 由助教和實習生所提供的深度投入、持續關懷,他們為 Haven 培訓帶來多樣而互補的技能組合。這個強大的支持團隊意味著參與者得到高比例導師團隊的關注。
- 數以百計參加過這個課程的學員們回饋:他們在課後持續經歷著個人和專業轉變的長期效應。
- 有效的回家工具箱,支持學習的落實與整合。
- 完整的課程結構與作息安排,每天進行內省、與他人連接、休息、在海濱的熱水浴缸放鬆、探索附近小徑,等不同的休閒時間安排。
- 堅强的导师团队 LEADERS

主帶導师:琳达·尼科尔斯 Linda Nicholls
心理学博士、加拿大海文学院心理咨询师资格证书获得者,海文学院首席团体课程导师。曾任加拿大海文学院总裁,现为加拿大海文学院第一梯队首席讲师和心理咨询师,主要带领《潜力苏醒》、《阶段一:自我觉察》、《阶段二:自我与他人》和《界限》、《阴影》、《生命力的觉察》、《超越局限 拓展新视野》等加拿大海文学院核心课程。琳达从事企业管理、行销30余年,担任欧美多家大型公司的高级顾问、教练导师、训练师,并曾服务于IBM、微软、加拿大政府等诸多机构、组织。琳达学习和应用心理学三十多年,有成功带领近千场工作坊之经验。琳达擅长将心理学与个人生命经验的内省相结合,用生活和工作本身来观照理论;在处理个案时既能与学员慷慨分享自己丰富的情感与敏锐的同理心,同时又能用简明的理论来分析问题所在,让学员接纳和享受情感,然后带着觉察满足而归。因为这样的功力和职业背景,琳达在Haven学院、北美和世界各地的讲学中受到广泛的赞扬和爱戴。她与海文学院中國團隊合作十几年时间,担任近百场工作坊的主導导师。她也曾为华为、居易联盟等众多中国企业提供组织培训服务,支持過無數个人、团队、组织取得卓越而持续的进步。她的专业呈现与个人风范在学员心中享有优秀口碑。
共同帶領导师兼翻译:李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee
心理谘商文凭、企业教练硕士认证、企管硕士、艺术学士、文学士、身心整合夫妻疗愈认证、身体经验创伤疗法治療師 CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, SEP, PACT Level II Certification
加拿大 The Haven 学院核心导师
加拿大 The Haven 学院前董事
加拿大 The Haven 学院前中国实习生总监
文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位中國人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。
有关《自我觉察精粹:活出生命熱情》Living Alive: Self Awareness Essentials 的相關信息,这是Carole Ames的故事,A Personal Crossroads.
- 課程開始日期前四個月(2025年二月十日) 取消報名 – 扣除50加元的註冊費和匯款費用。
- 課程開始日期前三個月(2025年三月十日) 取消報名 – 扣除訂金的25%。
- 課程開始日期前兩個月(2025年四月十日) 取消報名 – 扣除訂金的50%。
- 課程開始日期前一個月(2025年五月十日) 取消報名 – 扣除訂金的75%。
- 基本房间 – 共用,带餐 – 學員價:CAD$1,885+稅金
- 基本房间 – 私人,带餐 – 學員價:CAD$2,795+稅金
- 森林景观 – 共用,带餐 – 學員價:CAD$2,178+稅金
- 森林景观 – 私人,带餐 – 學員價:CAD$3,380+稅金
- 海景房間 – 共用,带餐 – 學員價:CAD$2,665+稅金
- 海景房間 – 私人,带餐 – 學員價:CAD$4,355+稅金
- 海景套房 – 共用,带餐 – 學員價:CAD$2,893+稅金
- 海景套房 – 私人,带餐 – 學員價:CAD$4,810+稅金
- 不住宿 – 带餐 – 學員價:CAD$975+稅金
- 所有的海景景觀房或是套房必須要由兩個人分享才能訂購。
- 所有海景房间和一些海景套房只有一张大床和一张折叠沙发,因此如果共用,可能有人会睡在折叠沙发上。
- 基本房間 – 共用 = 2张单人床
- 森林景观 – 共用 = 有单人床、双人床和大床的组合
- 海景套房 = 一间独立卧室或多间卧室,某些套房附有全套厨房
海文學院注册組,電子郵件:register@haven.ca,電話:1 800 222 9211分机1
请知悉,正式課程的時間是2025年6月7日至6月19日。上述海文住宿和餐饮的安排是從6月6日抵达海文學院 The Haven,并于6月19日离开的情况,共计13晚。仅在抵达和离开当天提供接送服务。
6月6日提前抵达的安排,是讓學員們有机会以个人選擇及自费的方式,安定入住並欣赏美丽的加布里奥拉岛 Gabriola Island。这对于从亚洲长途旅行的人来说,也方便调整时差。上述费用包括了学费以及为期13晚的住宿和餐饮,費用將直接支付给海文學院 The Haven 註冊組。。下面我們建議了一個參考的旅行規劃,规划中所有其他項目都是基於個人選擇以及自費的方式。

6/5星期三,抵达温哥华 Vancouver
6/6星期四,从温哥华 Vancouver 到纳奈莫 Nanaimo,然后到加布里奥拉 Gabriola,抵达Haven并安顿
6/7星期五,加布里奥拉岛 Gabriola 轻松行程,时差调整

- 課程的第一天在晚餐後 7:30pm 開始
- 早餐 8:00 – 9:00am
- 上午課程 9:15am – 12:00pm,中間有茶歇
- 午餐 12:00 – 1:00pm
- 下午課程 3:00-6:00pm,中間有茶歇
- 晚餐 6:00 – 7:30pm
- 晚间課程 7:30 – 9:00pm
- 以上因課程需要可能會彈性調整。
- 課程在最后一天的午餐结束。
如果您以步行乘客的身份乘坐加布里奥拉渡轮 Gabriola Ferry 前往 Haven,可以告知海文註冊組要求提供前往 Haven 的接送服务。
新生命花園 BEING

+ https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010802492
由海文學院兩位創辦人 Dr. Bennet Wong & Dr. Jock McKeen 著作

+ https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010773411
+ Joining: The Relationship Garden
由海文學院兩位創辦人 Dr. Bennet Wong & Dr. Jock McKeen 著作
The Mandarin Living Alive Essentials program offer the unique experience of time, space, and guidance to help you (re)discover who you truly are. For 12 days, you’ll have the opportunity to create and establish new or different patterns for conscious living. People from all walks of life, backgrounds, experiences, lifestyles, and locations join us and often experience something profound.
We are grateful for the land and sea that sustain us. We are deeply grateful to learn, live and play on 7 acres of forested land by the sea that is the ancestral, traditional, and unceded territory of the Snuneymuxw First Nation, a community of Coast Salish Peoples. Our peaceful yet vibrant centre on Gabriola Island offers a natural environment that supports the exploration of our innermost selves and our relationships with others. It’s a special place where we can take back our lives and discover our potential.
In a highly experiential and choice-based environment, you’ll immerse yourself in The Haven’s models and concepts, with opportunities to go deeper, practice, and expand your range of being. Participants are encouraged to question their assumptions, explore their beliefs, and challenge their patterns in a respectful environment. Join a community of seekers and engage in the ultimate experience of self-discovery and transformation.
Self-Awareness – becoming aware of my unique patterns of behaviour and energy
Mandarin Living Alive: Self Awareness Essentials is for you if any of the following applies:
- I want to make more informed decisions about things that affect me, my life, and my relationships.
- I want to discover, transform, and release energy blockages that negatively impact my health and wellbeing.
- I am going through a personal transition and am unsure what happens next.
- I want to better know, understand, and shift my own behaviours and patterns.
- I want to learn how to draw on and access my inner wisdom, strength, and resources.
- I want to practice The Communication Model and create patterns to connect more deeply and authentically with others.
- I am curious to learn how others interpret and experience me in different contexts.
- I want to discover and embrace the whole me – fantasies, imagination, hidden aspects and shadows too.
- I feel stuck in ways that are destructive or no longer serve me.
“I can take responsibility for my own life despite whatever happened in the past. I can give myself permission to be powerful. I have choice.”
– Jay, Living Alive I
Read more about the impact of Living Alive, this is Carole Ames’s story, A Personal Crossroads.
Mandarin Living Alive Essentials program Highlights:
- An in-depth opportunity to engage more consciously and fully in your life and relationships.
- Time away to reconnect with yourself and nature on The Haven’s beautiful 7-acre oceanfront property.
- An opportunity to take your personal growth and Haven-style learning to the next level.
- For those who have attended a Come Alive, we will take a deeper dive into The Haven’s models: Communication, Power & Strength, Resonance, Selves.
- For those who have not attended a Come Alive there will be plenty of opportunities to learn, practice and integrate these models.
- Guided experiences designed to heighten your physical, intellectual, and emotional awareness.
- A meaningful and enduring investment in your wellbeing: 12 days of radical self-discovery and transformation.
- Experienced program leaders, who are highly trained at The Haven and in their various professions.
- Deep investment, continuity, and care from assistants and interns who bring a variety of diverse and complementary skill sets to their Haven training. This support team means a low ratio of participants to leaders.
- A long history with hundreds of Living Alive participants reporting continued personal and professional transformation post-program.
- Take-home tools to support integration of learning.
- A full program schedule, plus daily breaks for introspection, connecting with others, rest, relaxing in the oceanfront hot tub, exploring nearby trails, and more.
- Tuition $6500.00 (excluding accommodation and meals).
- Deposit: $3000.00
- Full payment: One month before the program start date, May 6th, 2025.
Earlybird Special Pricing:
- $5500 for registration with deposit paid before October 31, 2024.
- $6000 for registrations with deposit paid before December 31, 2024.
- $6500 for registrations with deposit paid after January 1, 2025.
Refund and cancellation policy:
- Cancellation before four months of the program start date (February 10, 2025) – deduct $50 cancellation fee and remittance charges.
- Cancellation before three months of the program start date (March 10, 2025) – deduct 25% of the $3000 deposit.
- Cancellation before two months of the program start date (April 10, 2025) – deduct 50% of the $3000 deposit.
- Cancellation before one month of the program start date (May 10, 2025) deduct 75% of the $3000 deposit.
Please add your choice of accommodation with meal package as below:
- Basic Room-Shared with meals: $1,995.50 plus tax
- Basic Room-Private with meals: $2,951.00 plus tax
- Forestview-Shared with meals: $2,307.50 plus tax
- Forestview-Private with meals: $3,575.00 plus tax
- Oceanview Room-Shared with meals: $2,814.50 plus tax
- Oceanview Room-Private with meals: $4,589.00 plus tax
- Oceanview Suite-Shared with meals: $3,055.00 plus tax
- Oceanview Suite-Private with meals: $5,070.00 plus tax
- Staying offsite with meals: $1040.00 plus tax
Accommodation Notes:
- ALL Oceanview Shared room or suite selections MUST be booked by two people sharing.
- All Oceanview Rooms and some Oceanview Suites only have one queen bed and one pull out couch so if sharing one person might be sleeping on a pull out couch.
- Oceanview Suites = some have a separate bedroom or more than one bedroom, some have a full kitchen.
- Basic Shared = 2 single beds.
- Forestview Shared = a combination of single, double and queen beds.
The Living Alive Essentials program is scheduled to take place from June 7-19, 2025. The accommodation and meal package outlined above are contingent upon an arrival at The Haven on June 6 and a departure on June 19, encompassing a total of 13 nights.
The option for an early arrival on June 6th is extended to participants, allowing them to acclimate and explore the scenic Gabriola Island independently and at their personal expense. This provision is especially beneficial for individuals undertaking extensive journeys from Asia, providing an opportunity to mitigate the effects of jet lag.
Payment for the aforementioned fee, inclusive of chosen accommodation with meals, is to be remitted directly to The Haven Registrar. The fee encompasses both program tuition and accommodation with meals for the duration of the 13-night period. It is imperative to note that any additional costs delineated in the subsequent planning are merely recommendations and remain the sole responsibility of the participant.
This proposed master travel plan spanning from June 5-June 19 is presented for your consideration:
- June 5 Wednesday; arrival in Vancouver
- June 6 Thursday; transition from Vancouver to Nanaimo and to Gabriola, arrival at The Haven and settling in
- June 7 Friday; Gabriola Island easy trip, jet-lag adjustment
- June 7 Friday evening; program starts
- June 19 Wednesday noon; program ends
Daily schedule:
- Breakfast 8-9:00am
- Morning session most days 9:15am to noon, with a break midway
- Lunch noon to 1:00pm
- Afternoon session most days 3:00-6:00pm, with a break midway
- Dinner 6:00 – 7:30pm
- Evening session most days 7:30 – 9:00pm
Afternoon and evening sessions can vary. Your program finishes with lunch on the last day.
You can find travel information on our our website, https://haven.ca/plan-your-visit/getting-here/
Please note the shuttle option is only available from the Gabriola Ferry Terminal to The Haven on arrival and departure days.
Recommended Resources:
Here are book titles that can complement and enhance your learning in this program. You can order online. Click to learn more:
+ Being: A Manual for Life by Bennet Wong & Jock McKeen

+ Joining: The Relationship Garden by Bennet Wong & Jock McKeen

Linda Nicholls, DipC, 是一位長者,她在北美和國際間從事成長與轉化的團體領導工作已超過 35 年。 她是加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省加布里奧拉島海文學院的資深核心導師。 她與各個年齡層和不同文化的人密切合作,領導專注於身體、呼吸和能量等方面的訓練;有意識的呼吸;影子探索;溝通技巧;性慾;哀悼;界定界限;有意識地取代抑鬱症;審視和更新關係;引導青少年進入成年期,等等。 Linda Nicholls DipC is an elder, serving as a guide in transformational circle work for more than thirty-five years in North America and internationally. She is Senior Faculty with The Haven Institute on Gabriola Island, BC, Canada. She has worked intimately with people of all ages and several cultures leading programs that focus on body, breath and energy training; conscious breathwork; shadow exploration; communication skills; sexuality; grieving; defining boundaries; conscious alternatives to depression; reviewing and renewing relationships; guiding teens and youth into their adulthood, and more. Website: Linda Nicholls
Learn more about 琳达· 尼科尔 斯 Linda Nicholls
心理谘商文凭、企业教练硕士认证、企管硕士、艺术学士、文学士、身心整合夫妻疗愈认证、身体经验创伤疗法认证 CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, SEP, PACT Level II Certification, SE Advanced Certification 加拿大 The Haven 学院核心导师 加拿大 The Haven 学院前董事 加拿大 The Haven 学院前中国实习生总监 文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位中國人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。 https://pptrain.com/ Wen-Shwu Lee CEC, DipC, MBA, BFA, BA, SEP, PACT Level II is a dedicated, accomplished, and personable educator who brings a wealth of cross-cultural experiences to her work. With a humanistic teaching approach, she seamlessly blends her extensive professional background with her life experiences. Wen-Shwu skillfully applies a variety of theories and techniques, including psychological counseling, coaching leadership, creativity inspiration, somatic experiencing, and relational transformation, in her holistic approach towards the development and integration of…
Learn more about 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee