Crisis = Opportunity
“The Art and Science of Living Well, Together.”
This statement has been a guiding principle at the Haven for many years now. It is especially relevant to Haven co-founder Bennet Wong’s idea that we really learn the most about ourselves and each other while in relationship – whatever the type of relationship may be (partner, spouse, parent, child, mentor, student, etc.) And, given that we are mammals, we have a deep, instinctual need to ‘be together’ despite what our rational minds may have to say about it!
Yet, it isn’t always easy: There is no operator’s manual for a relationship and many of us were never consciously taught the skills needed to ‘live well, together.’
So what can we do, especially now, in the midst of the global health crisis of Covid-19 where many of our lives have been turned upside-down?
Whether we have been cooped up with our families or living alone and missing regular human contact, we are all experiencing intensified longings for freedom, connection, meaning and aliveness during this time. Right now, difficulties are very real and even so-called ‘small-things’ seem magnified for all of us.
Is there a safe port in this storm? Ancient Chinese wisdom reminds us that crisis and opportunity are really the same thing!
We offer you a 25-day opportunity to explore, clarify, challenge and deepen what you know about yourself and the others you are in relationship with.
Through time-tested communications practices, exercises based on modern neuroscience and attachment theories, as well as numerous opportunities to notice how we can get ‘stuck’ and learn to get ‘unstuck’ within ourselves and between each other, Living Alive Essentials: Meaningful Connections offers you a deep-dive into communications, sexuality, boundaries and all-things ‘relationship’ with a group of others also asking themselves those same questions.
About the Authors

Graemme Brown, DipC, has been associated with The Haven since 1985. He is dedicated to compassionate and gentle inquiry, focused on his experience with the philosophy of Virginia Satir, Jungian shadow work and Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing system. Graemme considers his Haven faculty colleagues as another source of creative inspiration with their great diversity of styles and expertise. Read more about Graemme here.

Leslie Whyte, DipC, Certified Calling in “The One” Conscious Uncoupling and Feminine Power Coach is a passionate and creative counsellor, group facilitator and relationship coach.
She brings a wealth of knowledge, a strong desire to be personal and a depth of caring for the people she works with. Her capacity to integrate what she is learning and teaching, brings a new dimension of wholeness to those she is working with inspiring them to transform their lives. Read more about Leslie here.