Week 42: Ben Before The Haven
Before The Haven: Ben Wong at the Cold Mountain Institute, 1970s. Ellery Littleton writes, “His groups up in the big teepee-like session house in the trees unfolded like rituals of coming alive, joyous and revelatory.”
Before The Haven: Ben Wong at the Cold Mountain Institute, 1970s. Ellery Littleton writes, “His groups up in the big teepee-like session house in the trees unfolded like rituals of coming alive, joyous and revelatory.”
To celebrate the graduation of the 2012 students in the Haven International Diploma in Leadership and Counselling, here are some photos of the occasion and a short article…
By Toby Macklin and Rachel Davey Let’s start with the obvious question: What is a rhizome? Ginger is the rhizome of the plant Zingiber officinale A rhizome is…
Interview by Louise Amuir, Fundraising & Financial Aid Manager at The Haven The Haven community is comprised of wonderful people, many of whom give of themselves in multiple ways. We have…
Following is an interview/article written by Ian Curtin, one of our talented ‘Come Alive’ leaders, with Ellery Littleton, poet and novelist, who has been offering intensive journal-writing programs…
By Andrew Best On the anniversary of his mother’s suicide, Andrew Best posted this beautiful and powerful piece on Facebook. 27 years ago today, Susan Adams Ferguson locked…
作者: 马丽波 马丽波是接受海文学院奖学金赞助的第一位中国大陆华人, 丽波在2010年远赴加拿大海文学院, 参加了海文的阶段一”活出自己”课程. 在而立之年写下这段海文之旅的感受,对我有着一份特殊的意义。海文Phase I是我参加过最棒的课程,其实它对我来说更是一个冒险、精彩和滋养的心灵之旅。人说三十而立,何为立?海文帮助我矗立起了一座心灵的房子,让我能够更加积极自在地去面对生活、去拥抱丰盈的生命,去追求属于自己的人生价值。 二十二天的课程丰富而详实,只要保持一颗觉察的心,哪怕是从一件很小的事情上都会有收获。虽然现在已经回国两个多月了,但是学到的东西并没有淡忘,而是会提醒我保持一颗觉察的心, 时刻不忘自我疼惜,让我充满勇气的大步向前。在海文的大家庭里,我与老师、同学以及园区里的工作人员都成为了好朋友,与他们度过了一段及其美好的时光。如果用一句话来概括我所学到,就是:在关系中修行,在平常禅中体悟,觉知和重建了与自己、与他人以及与自然万物之间的关系。