• CAD $188.00 – 課程費用 Program Price

Date & Time Details:
7-9 pm太平洋時間 PT

10 am-12 pm中國標準時間 CST

7-9 pm Pacific Time
Wednesday, October 5
Thursday, October 6
Friday, October 14
Saturday, October 15

10 am-12 pm China Standard Time
Thursday, October 6
Friday, October 7
Saturday, October 15
Sunday, October 16

Email us about program

双语 | Bilingual – 意識與慈悲的親子教養 Conscious and Compassionate Parenting

With 溫蒂·李·舒爾茨 Wendy Lee Schulz B. and 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee 

October 5 - 15, 2022


[English description below]

也許您會發現自己幾乎是技窮,無法有效地應對眼前教養子女的各種挑戰,無論是:技術方法,面對各種身心症狀:抑鬱、焦慮,紀律問題,如何設定界限,等等。正如我的母親常這麼說:「很不幸的,教養孩子這件事是沒有使用說明書的!」 真希望有個「使用說明」,如果真的有,我們可能會更成功、更足智多謀,在父母與孩子的連結上會更緊密。我們如何學會為人父母的呢?帶著榮耀父母的心,課程中我們將一起來發現從自己的父母那,我們學到了那些教養方式。也通過觀察社會文化對教養子女的規範,我們可以發現自己的價值觀,我們重視或不重視什麼。因此我們可以為教育兒女開啟了一條新的道路,以全新的方式來認識我們的孩子。在一個安全、不羞愧,尊重個人界限與隱私的環境中,讓我們開始深入探討這個主題,讓我們從身為父母的優勢力量中出發,體會到充足的資源,並以雙方都想要的方式與孩子建立共同成長的親子關係。




  • 認知為人父母的挑戰和優勢,是什麼阻礙了您成為自己希望成為的父母?您如何善用自己的優勢面臨挑戰?
  • 通過諸多途徑來檢視我們從哪裡獲得養育子女的方法 — 以慈悲的心情,我們將探索哪些是有效的,而哪些是無效的。
  • 借助課程中提供的工具,我們開始製定一個新計劃,加強與孩子間的交流,從我們的優勢出發,因此我們可以一種健康的方式向前邁進:了解我們的孩子是誰,不是我們希望他們成為什麼樣的人,開始接受他們真正是誰,他們與我們不同的地方,並開始支持他們成為真實完整的自己 — 即使我們不見得喜歡。
  • 這個課程會有機會彼此聆聽分享,導師和學員們有機會交流自己的故事和現實生活中的經驗。這是一個共同創造的學習環境,我們希望為豐富的成長之旅打造一個安心分享相互學習的容器。
  • 本課程歡迎對三歲至青少年親子教養有興趣的家長、父母、祖父母、專業人士,或對此主題有興趣的朋友們一起加入 — 課程中會有大組與小組不同的學習環節,我們會將學員依自己有興趣探索的同年齡段孩子來做小組分配。









  • 身心合一的靜心冥想
  • 內在整合的主題簡報
  • 創意與經驗式的學習
  • 小組分享與自我省思
  • 回家作業的落地實習









太平洋時間 PT

  • 10月5日,星期三,7-9 pm PT
  • 10月6日,星期四,7-9 pm PT
  • 10月14日,星期五,7-9 pm PT
  • 10月15日,星期六,7-9 pm PT

中國標準時間 CST

  • 10月6日,星期四,10 am-12 pm CST
  • 10月7日,星期五,10 am-12 pm CST
  • 10月15日,星期六,10 am-12 pm CST
  • 10月16日,星期日,10 am-12 pm CST








這個線上課程將在免費的Zoom視頻會議軟體上進行,學員可以方便地在各種裝置上使用這個軟體。您會需要一個數位裝置,(我們推薦桌上型電腦或膝上型電腦,平板裝置或是手機也可以使用,)另外必須有順暢的網路連結和聲音功能,(我們推薦使用耳機,內建或外接式麥克風,或是發聲系統也可行。)您可以點選下面的連結來測試您的裝置連線以及實用性 zoom.us/test.  請在課前15分鐘提早上線,我們將提供必須的技術支援服務。




這是一個加拿大海文和中國團隊的跨國合作!感謝双方的合作我們才有機會將海文精彩的課程持續地從加拿大本土推廣到全球的平台上。 建議您先下載WeChat軟體,所以您可以更方便地收到我們的課程錄影以及課程提醒。


Everything is changing so rapidly these days, even parenting. Are you finding the style of parenting you have adopted is not really working for you or your child?

Perhaps you find you are ill equipped for parenting challenges that are in front of you like technology, depression, anxiety, discipline issues, setting boundaries. As my own mother used to say, ‘unfortunately children do not come with an instruction manual’. If only they did, we might feel more successful, resourceful, and connected as parents to our children. How did we learn to be a parent? In honor of our own parents, we will discover what we learned about parenting from them, by looking at cultural norms around parenting we can uncover what we value or not and begin to build a new path for parenting and to meet our children in a fresh way. In a safe, shame free and confidential environment we can begin to explore this topic in detail so that you come from a position of strength as a parent, feel resourced and are connected with your child in a way that you both want.


Program Highlights

  1. Identify our parenting challenges and strengths, what is in the way of you being the parent you wish to be? How can you bring your strengths to the areas of challenge?
  2. Through various pathways examine where we get our parenting skills from – with compassion we will explore which ones work and which ones don’t.
  3. With the tools offered in the program we begin to build a new plan to a stronger relationship with our children and come from a position of strength as a parent, so we can move forward in a good way: knowing our child for who they are, not who we want them to be and moving into acceptance of who they are, where they are different from us and begin to support them for who they are – even if we don’t like it.
  4. The program will create opportunities for stories and real-life experience sharing from both leaders and participants. With the co-creative learning environment, we wish to build a safe container for a rich journey of growth.
  5. This course welcomes parents, grandparents, professionals, or people who are interested in parenting with children between ages 3 years to young adult to join. There will be different learning arrangement of large groups and small groups. We will group participants with interests in children of the same age range.


When registering please advise what age group of children you prefer to be in.


Supplies Needed

A journal with pens and a few colored markers, an open mind and heart.


Program Focus

Each session will focus on different topics and you will be invited to continue your reflections in the time between sessions. These explorations will take place in an atmosphere of respect and every person’s choice is respected. The format will include:

  • Embodiment Meditations
  • Teaching and Presentations
  • Experiential Exercises
  • Small Group Sharing and Reflections
  • Take Home Tools and Practices



This bilingual program is offered in Mandarin and English with live translation. Participants will have opportunities to ask questions, discuss and interact with each other. We will also use breakout rooms for smaller groups discussions. Breakout rooms will be offered with language options; you can choose an English breakout room or Mandarin breakout room.

If you are unable to join one of the sessions, we encourage you to still register. Recordings of the teaching components of each session will be accessible online for 30 days. Personal sharing in breakout rooms is not recorded and participants audio and video will never be shared without consent.




In this interactive, online series we will meet 4 times on Zoom. Depending on where you are in the world, the sessions will take place:

In Pacific Time  

  • October 5, Wed. 7-9 pm PT
  • October 6, Thu. 7-9pm PT
  • October 14, Fri. 7-9 pm PT
  • October 15, Sat. 7-9pm PT

In China Standard Time

  • October 6, Thu. 10am-12 pm CST
  • October 7, Fri. 10am-12pm CST
  • October 15, Sat. 10am-12 pm CST
  • October 16, Sun. 10am-12 pm CST


Price: CAD$188 

The price includes 8 hours of live programming, time-limited (30 days) access to recordings, and technical support.


Technical Requirements

This online program will be hosted on Zoom, a video conferencing software that is free for participants and easy to use on a variety of devices. You will need to have a device (desktop computer or laptop recommended; tablet or smartphone can work too), reliable internet connection, and sound capabilities (headset recommended; built in or external microphone or speaker systems can work too). You can test your device connection and compatibility in advance here: zoom.us/test. You will be invited to join the call up to 15 minutes early to receive technical support.



This program is a partnership between The Haven (Canada) and The China Team. We are grateful of the co-sponsorship so we can continue to offer transformational programs through The Haven and internationally. It is recommended that you download WeChat so that you can receive the recordings and program reminders more easily.


溫蒂·李·舒爾茨 Wendy Lee Schulz B.
Ed、CCDP,加拿大海文學院心理諮商文憑 溫蒂對與溝通連結相關的所有事物充滿熱情,她認為「理解和被理解」是建立親密關係以及愛的關係的重要途徑。身為23歲和27歲兩個兒子的母親,溫蒂因自己多年來致力於研習精進成為更好的父母而感到驕傲,她與其他的父母一起參加團體成長課程,也從自己的父母那裡轉化挑戰為優勢,並持續在課程中學習成長,今天她成為自己可以引以為豪的母親,現在她正在收穫著這美好的禮物,與她兩個兒子間彼此尊重且人性化的親子關係。溫蒂的專業是:為有焦慮症孩子的父母提供的親子教育的教練、職涯發展教練,也是一位企業家。 Ed, CCDP and Certificate in Counselling Haven Wendy is passionate about all things related to communication. Understanding and being understood as a way to intimacy and close loving relationships. A parent to two sons ages 23 and 27, Wendy dedicated herself to becoming a parent she could be proud of by reading books, attending groups with other parents, taking what was good from her parents and attending courses and is now reaping the rewards of respectful and individual relationships with each of her sons. Wendy is a Parent Coach for parents who have children with anxiety, a Job…
Learn more about 溫蒂·李·舒爾茨 Wendy Lee Schulz B.
李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee 
心理谘商文凭、企业教练硕士认证、企管硕士、艺术学士、文学士、身心整合夫妻疗愈认证、身体经验创伤疗法认证  CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, SEP, PACT Level II Certification, SE Advanced Certification   加拿大 The Haven 学院核心导师 加拿大 The Haven 学院前董事 加拿大 The Haven 学院前中国实习生总监   文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位中國人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。 https://pptrain.com/   Wen-Shwu Lee CEC, DipC, MBA, BFA, BA, SEP, PACT Level II is a dedicated, accomplished, and personable educator who brings a wealth of cross-cultural experiences to her work. With a humanistic teaching approach, she seamlessly blends her extensive professional background with her life experiences. Wen-Shwu skillfully applies a variety of theories and techniques, including psychological counseling, coaching leadership, creativity inspiration, somatic experiencing, and relational transformation, in her holistic approach towards the development and integration of…
Learn more about 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee