Week 44: 1987, Digging
Jock, Ben, Xanon … digging in 1987!
Jock, Ben, Xanon … digging in 1987!
Rachel Davey and Toby Macklin write: Between 2001 and 2006, before moving to Gabriola to live and work, we spent as much summer time as we could at…
I arrived at Haven-by-the-Sea in September 1983, having left my home in Ottawa to immerse myself in an intense one year residential experience (including some intense cooking in…
It’s #kindnessday and we want to feature a family whose kindness to The Haven has had a lasting impact over the years. Mike and Joan McNeely first came to The Haven in…
By Ceilidh Kirk The next time you come to The Haven, you may notice some changes to our menus. Our goal is to offer lighter, healthier and more…
Their personal journeys through divorce into new beginnings inspired Jennifer Roger and Blair Stanley to create the programs they are leading at The Haven in September. By Jennifer…
It is with much sadness that we pass on the news of Maria Gomori’s death. Maria was a key teacher at the Haven since the very beginning. She…