Our program participants often tell us that the bodywork they received at The Haven was an integral part of their transformative experience.
Our bodyworkers reserve availability specifically for program participants; before session, during breaks and after sessions. They work respectfully and relationally in support of the participants learning.
To book your session in advance please use the contact link at the bottom of the bodyworker’s profile. When onsite you can also book a session on the sign up sheets next to reception.
Integrative Bodywork: Massage, Craniosacral Therapy, abdominal massage, Reiki

Elfi Dillon-Shaw
Elfi Dillon-Shaw DipC has worked at the Haven as senior Bodyworker since 1984. She offers Integrative Bodywork including Craniosacral Therapy, abdominal massage, Reiki and other modalities. In addition to her massage work, she assists in Haven programs and teaches workshops on sexuality, body practices and stress management, frequently with her husband Gary Dillon.
Lomilomi Hawaiian massage and transformational movement therapy

Gary Kekoa Dillon
Is now teaching and providing bodywork at his home studio
Gary Kekoa Dillon MA offers Lomilomi Hawaiian massage and transformational movement therapy. He has studied Esalen massage and Lomilomi Hawaiian shamanic bodywork, as well as psychology, theology, and is an artist at home in his studio on Gabriola Island. He also offers four-handed Hawaiian Lomilomi style massage with his wife Elfi and together they teach Sexuality workshops for Couples.
Reiki and Oh Cards

Cheryl Redford
Cheryl Redford is a Certified Reiki practitioner and has been involved with The Haven since 1998. She has attended many Haven programs including the Living Alive series. Prior to her Reiki training Cheryl was certified in Reflexology. Reiki is an ancient Japanese form of energy work that increases the flow of energy throughout your entire body; releasing tension and blockages, and assisting in the body’s natural healing. The technique of palm healing is used in which ”universal energy” is transferred through the palms of the practitioner to the client. Crystals are incorporated into this treatment to enhance the experience. Reiki has many health benefits, and can be used to relieve stress, anxiety, and pain while promoting a feeling of relaxation and clarity of thinking. Cheryl also offers Oh Card readings. Oh Cards are picture and word cards which can be used to tap into the unconscious and bring messages to the surface. Cheryl will guide you on this journey.
Bowen Therapy, Integrative Body Balancing & Holistic Skincare

Leslie Lee
Leslie is a Bowen therapist and skin health professional providing services to clients that
enhance their health, performance and recovery. The Bowen technique is a gentle yet incredibly efficient hands-on therapy that can positively stimulate the body to heal very quickly by resetting its autonomic nervous system. Her skin health services focus on the healing side of skincare; it is a multidimensional approach to supporting the wholeness of beauty. She is all about cultivating integrated wellness with sustainable solutions that support her clients in a nurturing safe space and creating transformational experiences.
“Suzanne, my experience with you was/is the first time in my life that I felt “seen”. Not only did you see me but made it okay to be who I am, not only what I am. I don’t know how to adequately explain how that feels – close to completeness, more grounded and room for joy, like a big hug.” ~ Michele
“Cheryl, thank you! When we met, I was challenged with the chaos of changing at deep levels of my being. Your sensitivity and intuitive approach of Reiki opened my awareness to my energy body. I was able to sense the blocks you identified, and with awareness, their release at an energetic level – when we pulled the OH cards we partnered in understanding their meaning – your insight was spot on and I am forever grateful for having a kind and compassionate companion walk along with me for a time on my journey of awakening to my true self…in gratitude! ” ~Ruth – Feb 2024
“Cheryl performed a reiki and OH card session with me recently throughout my stay at the haven and to say it was incredible is an understatement. She knows exactly what she is doing and her work speaks for itself. She opened up my heart and soul and allowed me to be with myself. Her interpretations of both my body, energy and my card reading were so spot on and I feel a deep connection with her from this experience. If you’re thinking of trying Cheryl’s methods out, DO IT! You won’t regret it!!” ~ Jessie – May 2024