Photo of Sunset on Taylor Bay
From Lynn Nixon (Parmenter)
I’ve always loved this view of Taylor Bay and this time of the evening, with the Pie Jesu playing and the sun going down. I took this photo on the evening of August 29, 2010.
From Lynn Nixon (Parmenter)
I’ve always loved this view of Taylor Bay and this time of the evening, with the Pie Jesu playing and the sun going down. I took this photo on the evening of August 29, 2010.
This is intended to be a daily record of the International Holistic Centres Gathering 2012 which is taking place at Finhorn in Scotland. It’s being written by me,…
Wayne’s Zeitgeist series: The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy: Healing the Social Brain, by Louis Cozolino; Hidden Brain, a podcast by Shankar Vendantam; and, Footprints, music by Molly Kate Kestner
By Harriet Thomas. Harriet is a long time friend and supporter of The Haven. She recently named 50 acres of forest on Gabriola Haven Woods in honour of…
By Mitch Miyagawa. Mitch will lead Living NVC: 7-Day Immersion Retreat April 22 – 29. This week-long program is designed to support the ongoing development and integration of Nonviolent Communication…
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Thank you to everybody who posted on the Shen blog page Celebrating Jennifer Sass. And thank you to everyone who attended the beautiful memorial for Jennifer during Reflections.