From the Archive (2008): Maria, Ben, and Jock
By Maria Gomori and first published in Shen in 2008. Maria is the world’s foremost practitioner of Satir family processes. Maria celebrated her 91st birthday this year and…
By Maria Gomori and first published in Shen in 2008. Maria is the world’s foremost practitioner of Satir family processes. Maria celebrated her 91st birthday this year and…
By Susan Clarke Susan leads Come Alive, Living Alive Phase I and Couples Alive at The Haven. You can read more by her at her really excellent blog:…
By Rachel Davey and Toby Macklin We are delighted that Bud and Michele Baldwin have honoured The Haven by becoming members of its Emeritus Faculty. Until now, the…
By Gary Holdgrafer. Along with Mary Holdgrafer and Wendy Huntington, Gary leads Creative Aging: Embracing the Second Half of Life. Recently I was sitting in the customer lounge…
We are sorry to hear that Trish Grainge, who touched the lives of many at The Haven, through her program The Journey to the Well, at Reflections, and…
Lyle Povah discusses the power of drumming, including his research on its benefits for people with eating disorders. Lyle leads Drum Talk at The Haven July 8–11. “The…
By Maggie Lei. Maggie Lei was a participant in The Haven’s very first full 25-day Phase program in Chinese. The original Chinese version of this article is in…
我的生命复苏了,当我察觉到 ,生命在人类灵性的连接处是自有其源头的。 ——拉里戈尔德(Larry Gold) 每个人都期待拥有一片绿光森林,一个可以自由呼吸的地方。对于我来说,加拿大海文学院就是那样一个地方。 海文学院创立于1985年,是一个全球领先的个人成长和专业技能培训中心。创始人为黄焕祥先生和麦基卓先生。海文的愿景是:每个人都为自己和自己周围的环境负责,在这里每个人的生命将充满尊严、尊重、好奇心和慈悲心。这也是此次海文学习之旅,我对海文的一个很深的体会。 最初与海文结缘是在2008年,我报名参加了海文在国内开设的三年的导师班。通过已经两年的学习,海文给了我很多启迪,这些智慧一点一滴地渗透到我的生活中,帮助我解决了人生中很多的困难和迷惑。渐渐地,去加拿大本部学习的想法越来越强烈。 海文生活 今年8月15日,我和丈夫启程来到了加拿大海文总部,参加专为中国学生开办的为期25天的“活出自己”阶段一中文课程,与我们同行的还有另外十几名中国学生和几名台湾助教。 海文学院坐落于加拿大温哥华外岛一个名叫加布里奥拉的小岛上。我们一到加布里奥拉岛,就被它深深的吸引。小岛风景秀丽,森林茂密,环境幽静,当地居民十分友善
By Susan Clarke Susan leads Come Alive with Carole Ames and Couples Alive I with her partner CrisMarie Campbell. The Haven Communication Model is a central component of…
Haven faculty member David Hatfield recently featured on CBC Radio’s The Current, in a discussion of the high-risk behaviours of 15-25 year old men. David is an independent…
Jock McKeen and Bennet Wong In a recent issue of The New Yorker, Evan Osnos reports about the growing interest in psychoanalysis in China (Osnos, E. “Meet Dr….
Written by Alyssa Wright on her blog, after returning from Victor Wooten’s 2011 workshop at The Haven. UPDATE: Victor Wooten is returning to The Haven, March 19-21 2013. …