Gerry Owen

Gerry Owen practiced Labor and Family law as well as Business law in Nanaimo from 1975 until he retired in 2010. In 1991, before he ever enrolled in any courses at The Haven, Gerry attended an evening event on Relationship hosted by Ben and Jock. During that event Ben asked a question that both challenged and inspired Gerry. Ben asked “What if a couple could break up and still value everything that had been good about their relationship?” In practicing Family Law, and in acting as a certified Family Law Mediator, that question inspired Gerry to focus on ways that the practice of Law and Advocacy on behalf of clients could heal conflict, and lessen the pain for separating couples and their children. Eventually Gerry limited his Family practice to Mediation.
Gerry acted as Legal Counsel for Ben and Jock, and later as Legal Counsel for Haven Foundation. He worked closely with the initial and subsequent Boards of Directors and in 2014 upon the retirement of John Gill, Gerry was appointed to be a Member.