Faculty Member

麥凱西 Cathy McNally


凱西對人以及生命的可能性充滿了熱情。她在中西融合的文化中成長,她擁有商業和團隊管理的背景。凱西對差異可能帶來的禮物充滿了好奇,她致力於建立連結和創造彼此了解的機會。對於教練引領各種關係的互動凱西有著濃厚的熱情。 在經歷了重大的生命變故之後,她仍然通過運動、聲音、創造、自然、愛慾,以及社團,持續不斷在探索生命活力、分離失落,以及追求意義的旅程上前行。 她的座右銘:善良、關懷以及樂趣,使她成為廣受歡迎的團體帶領人。 自1989年與 The Haven加拿大海文學院建立關係以來,凱西認為「一起 – 好好生活」是必要、緊迫,並且是可能的。凱西目前是加拿大著名的潛能開發學院 The Haven Institute 的董事以及核心導師。

Cathy McNally BSc, DipC is passionate about people and possibility. Growing up in a mix of cultures, with a background in business and teams, Cathy is curious about the gift of differences, and is committed to connection and understanding. A particular joy is coaching relationships of all kinds. Following a major life change, she is exploring aliveness, loss and meaning through the adventure of movement, voice, creativity, nature, eros and community. Her trademark kindness, caring and fun make her a sought-after group leader. Associated with The Haven since 1989, Cathy believes that “living well, together” is necessary, urgent, and possible. Cathy is currently one of the Directors on The Haven Board and a member of The Haven Core Faculty.