葛萊恩 Graemme Brown

葛萊姆,心理諮商文憑,身體經驗創傷治療師,自1985年以來一直與The Haven合作。他致力於「慈悲與溫和詢問」的鑽研,多年來專注於維吉尼亞·薩提爾模式、榮格的影子工作和彼得萊文的肢體經驗系統的研究。葛萊姆視他的Haven教職同仁為創意靈感的泉源,他們的風格和專業知識多種多樣。作為The Haven核心導師的成員,葛萊姆在中國和加拿大共同領導了Come Alive、Living Alive Phase I、Journey to Self、Family Reconstruction 和許多其他的成長課程。葛萊姆還是一位屢獲殊榮的錄音工程師,經營他的Zen Mastering工作室超過25年。他對音樂的熱愛和創作過程的奧秘在很大程度上體現了他在個人成長工作上所採取的模式。他目前在加拿大卑詩省的加布里奧拉島生活和工作。
Graemme Brown, Dip.C, SEP, has been associated with The Haven since 1985. He is dedicated to compassionate and gentle inquiry, focused on his experience with the philosophy of Virginia Satir, Jungian shadow work and Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing system. Graemme considers his Haven faculty colleagues as another source of creative inspiration with their great diversity of styles and expertise. As a member of The Haven’s core faculty, Graemme co-leads Come Alive, Living Alive Phase I, Journey to Self, Family Reconstruction and a number of other programs on Gabriola, in China and with First-Nation communities in Northern Canada. Graemme is also an award-winning recording engineer, running his Zen Mastering studio for over twenty-five years. His love of music and the mysteries of the creative process inform much of his approach to personal development training. He lives and works on Gabriola Island.