路易絲·阿繆爾 Louise Amuir

DipHC, DipHGF 加拿大海文學院心理諮商文憑,加拿大海文學院團隊帶領文憑
路易絲對創造力和藝術表達極感興趣,長年以此作為與自我和他人連結的方式。 她致力於多元化、包容性、公平、和解的理念發揚以及建立團隊協作流程。路易絲多樣的生命經驗包括了戲劇、寫作、藝術、舞蹈、音樂、街頭少年的工作、中途治療之家的青少年工作、親子教育、人際互動和冥想等方面,這些豐富的生活經歷為她與人們的工作帶來了幽默、正念、好奇心和趣味。身為 海文的導師,路易絲所帶領或共同帶領的課程有: 與你的內心批評交朋友;女性的內在智慧;通過創意表達提高覺察力;和海文學院新年願景計劃。同時她也積極協助眾多海文核心課程的規劃,包括:潛力甦醒、活潑生命 – 階段 I、II 和 III。路易絲接受過完整的薩提爾訓練,喜歡陰影探索,並且總是用心引導。路易絲與海文的核心團隊合作,工作的足跡遍佈加拿大,北美原住民社區,以及中國。自 1989 年以來,路易絲一直與加拿大海文學院保持聯繫。
DipHC, DipHGF Diploma of Haven Counselling and Diploma of Haven Group Leadership
Louise (she/they) is interested in creativity and expressive arts as a means to connect with self and others. Louise is committed to diversity, inclusion, equity, reconciliation, and building collaborative processes. Louise’s varied life experiences in theatre, writing, art, dance, music, working with street youth, youth in receiving and treatment homes, parenting, relationships, and meditation bring humor, mindfulness, curiosity, and play to her work with people. As Haven faculty, Louise leads/co-leads: Befriending your Inner Critic; Inner Wisdom for Women; Awareness through Creative Expression; and Haven New Year visioning programs and assists on numerous core programs including Come Alive, Living Alive Intensives I, II, and III. Louise has extensive Satir training, delights in surfacing the Shadow, and always leads with heart. Louise works collaboratively in core Haven program teams and in special Haven teams both in China and in Northern Canada with First Nations communities. Louise has been associated with The Haven since 1989.