馮錚 Sean Feng

馮錚是中國最早在西方學習個人與職業發展團體輔導與帶領的學者型老師之一。他於上世紀90年代初獲得加拿大The Haven學院全額獎學金,遠赴加拿大The Haven學院學習團體動力學,成為該學院第一個獲得心理諮詢師文憑和團體帶領資格的中國人。之後,馮錚又畢業於加拿大社會綜合類大學第一名 – 加拿大西門佛雷澤大學社會學專業。 在世紀之交,馮老師回到中國,成為中國海文學院聯合創始人之一,自2008年至今,馮老師一直擔任加拿大The Haven學院國際心理諮詢專業班督導。 馮老師在心理學與哲學方面有很深造詣,同時,對人滿懷慈悲與同理之心。在他的課堂上,豐富的體驗活動與深入淺出的認知資訊相得益彰; 在回饋和個案中,馮老師擅長撥開雲霧見本質,同時又以感性為連接樞紐,令學習者經驗到更加整合的收穫。
Sean is one of the pioneer leaders who went to the West to study the personal and professional group counselling. In the 90’s he got full scholarship from The Haven and studied in Canada on Group Dynamics. He honorably, as the first Chinese on this category, achieved his Diploma in Counselling from The Haven. Sean graduated from Simon Fraser University in Canada and got his degree in highest mark on the Social Science study. In 2000 Sean came back to China and co-founded Haiwen China. Until 2008 Sean was the supervisor on the Haven International Dip-C program in China. He well integrates his life experiences in his programs, and presents his wisdom in a personal and understandable manners.