Faculty Member

麥基卓 Jock McKeen 

MD, LicAc (UK), DLitt

海文學院的聯合創始人兼該學院的榮譽教授,基卓也是一位多才多藝的主持人和作家。他最初是一名急診醫生,後來在英國牛津的中國針灸學院學習針灸。與黃煥祥共同建立了互補的醫療方法之後,他們合作創立了海文學院。他們開發了海文的核心課程,撰寫了大量的書籍,並四處旅行到許多國家分享他們的理念與經驗。煥祥和基卓多年來經常在亞洲任教,將他們的海文經驗帶給說中文的朋友們。您可以在專門介紹基卓及其畢生工作的維基百科頁面上 (wikipedia.org/wiki/Jock_McKeen) 閱讀有關基卓更多的信息。

Jock McKeen, co-founder and Faculty Emeritus of The Haven, is an accomplished presenter and author. Starting out as an emergency physician, he studied acupuncture at the College of Chinese Acupuncture, Oxford, England. After establishing a complementary medical practice in association with Bennet Wong, they collaborated in the development of The Haven. They developed the Core Programs at Haven, wrote numerous books, and travelled extensively to share their approach in many countries. Ben and Jock frequently taught in Asia for many years, bringing their Haven teaching to Chinese speaking people. You can read more about Jock at the Wikipedia entry devoted to him and his life’s work: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jock_McKeen