陶曉清 Cora Tao

陶曉清:資深廣播人,2016年擔任牽手之聲網路電台台長,服務癌友。 2000年得到台灣流行音樂金曲獎的特殊貢獻獎。2017年得到第52屆廣 播金鐘獎特殊貢獻獎。 1992年初次去加拿大溫哥華Haven學院參加成長團體,後來決定繼續進修,在2010年取得Haven學院的諮商證書。 多年來透過身體的舞動、聲音的共鳴、曼達拉繪畫與棉紙撕畫的創 作,以及對心理劇的鑽研,過著身心合一的生活,並持續帶領各種相 關的心靈成長課程。 著作有:「寫給追求成長的你」、「讓真愛照亮每一天」、譯作有: 「生命花園」、「活出熱情」等與成長相關的書。 2016年出版「那些在青春網的日子」,2017年出版「生命的河流」。
Cora joined The Broadcasting Corporation of China in 1965 when she was 19. She started hosting American top 40’s program. Ten years later she launched another program named Chinese Western Folk Songs, in that it encouraged original compositions by college students and the best ones were broadcasted island wide. This program received overwhelming response thus gave birth to the Campus Folk Song Movement which led to Chinese music commercial development in the 80s. And she was named the Mother of Folk Music in Taiwan. In 1995 along with other musicians she founded The Chun Wah Music Workers Association (Chinese Musicians Exchange Association?). She served as its first and second chairwomen not only to organize folk song events and concerts but also held Top 10 music critics choice album and singles annually. In 2000 she received a Golden Melody special contribution award in recognition of her many achievements. She retired from broadcasting career in July 2008 and dedicated her self to professional training of helping people and get her Diploma in Counseling from Haven Institute of Canada in 2010. After breast cancer treatment in 2013 she started with friends to develop an online radio to serve cancer patients. And she led reading groups and different workshops with Debbie Yao.