李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee, 翻譯 Translator

文淑是一位熱情, 專業, 平易近人的導師, 她擁有跨東西文化的豐富人生閱歷. 她的教學以人性為出發點, 在她熱情關懷和洞察人心的教學風格中, 文淑有效整合了她的企業背景與生活經驗, 巧妙地將教練領導, 心理諮商, 與創意啟發等不同的技巧融會應用於身心整合與全人啟發的人才培育工作中. 多年來她在加拿大, 中國大陸以及台灣教授個人成長以及領導力開發課程, 引導學員從桎梏的個人模式中, 轉化壓力為有效的資源, 蛻變出每一個人的獨特魅力與全方位的領袖風範. 文淑目前是加拿大著名的潛能開發學院 The Haven Institute 的董事以及核心導師, 同時她是樂泉諮詢顧問公司The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. 的創辦人.
Wenshwu is a passionate corporate trainer and coach; in her work, she is both personal and professional. She embraces life fully and keeps enriching herself in cross cultural environments. Her leading style is based on humanity, on which she effectively integrates business trainings with personal experiences. She applies ideas of coaching, counseling and creativity in the series of heart-brain integrated leadership development programs. She leads and assists personal growth workshops and leadership programs in China, Taiwan and Canada. In these programs Wenshwu witnesses many people breaking through fixated patterns, transforming suppression into useful resources, and living fully in their unique beings. Wenshwu is a Director on The Haven Board and a member on the Core Faculty. She is also the founder of The Train Coaching & Counseling Corp. in Taiwan.