• CAD $188.00 – 課程費用 Program Price

Date & Time Details:
 太平洋時間 PT
12月3日,星期五,6-8pm PT
12月4日,星期六,6-8pm PT
12月10日,星期五,6-8pm PT
12月11日,星期六,6-8pm PT

中國標準時間 CST
12月4日,星期六,10am-12pm CST
12月5日,星期日,10am-12pm CST
12月11日,星期六,10am-12pm CST
12月12日,星期日,10am-12pm CST

 In Pacific Time:  
Friday, December 3, 6-8pm PT
Saturday, December 4, 6-8pm PT
Friday, December 10, 6-8pm PT
Saturday, December 11, 6-8pm PT

In China Standard Time:  
Saturday, December 4, 10am-12pm CST
Sunday, December 5, 10am-12pm CST
Saturday, December 11, 10am-12pm CST
Sunday, December 12, 10am-12pm CST

Contact: Wen-Shwu Lee, wenshwu@pptrain.com OR Haven Registrars, register@haven.ca

Email us about program

双语 | Bilingual – 關係中的衝突與共創 Conflict and Co-creation in Relationships

With 麥凱西 Cathy McNally and 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee 

December 3 - 11, 2021

[English Description Below]


 讓一個人去愛另一個人, 這可能是所有任務中最艱難最極致的一件, 也是我們最後的試驗和證明. 為做好這件事, 我們所有其他的工作都是為此而做的準備.”

誠如著名的德國詩人萊納·瑪利亞·里爾克所言,人際關係常是我們生命中最艱苦的工作,然而也是最美好的禮物。在不曾停下腳步的忙碌世界裡,我們花在周遭重要關係的時間卻是越來越少。當全球疫情劇烈地改變著世界以及我們的此刻,也許正是重新審視我們重要人際關係的最佳時機。這個課程適用於我們所有生活與工作中的重要關係:夫妻、家人、朋友和同事。課程中我們將一起檢視我們如何參與並促成了這些重要關係的互動;在衝突和差異中我們如何了解自己並再次認識他人;我們如何使用有效的工具來進行重要卻難以啟齒的對話;更重要的,我們如何學習待在失去愛之後的苦痛中,更深入地探索埋藏在深處的愛與感受。這個課程是我們2021年終全球雙語線上學習的高點,課程將提供難能可貴反思和更新的機會 — 尤其當我們面臨各種宏觀和微觀挑戰的時刻。這個線上學習的平台不僅創造了你我連結的機緣,也是我們可以一起成長共創的園地!加拿大Haven學院兩位精彩的核心導師麥凱西Cathy McNally和李文淑Wen-Shwu Lee期待年底與你線上見面,共創又一次的豐富之旅。



  •  「你」就是改善關係的關鍵


  • 衝突、價值觀和進行重要的對話


  • 面對逝去的愛我以為我知道了關係的一切……

凱西老師有三段主要的關係,她經歷過離婚、伴侶逝去,之後又在60多歲時開始約會戀愛。歡迎加入凱西老師的分享,聽聽她現身說法她的故事 – 她在關係中的學習和成長。聽到她的故事之後,也許你我也有機會來學習洞察力,重新審視我們的關係與生活。

  • 整合並深化我們的學習探索




這是中英文的双語課程!現場有中文翻譯,學員有機會提問、互動、討論。在大團體的教學氛圍內,我們也設計了個人化的小組分享(不超過七人),用分組討論的方式進行小組互動學習以創造不同的學習動能與契機。您可以選擇英文組或者是中文組。 我們鼓勵每位學員能將課程所學落實於生活,課程中將提供有效的工具便於應用在生活中以及課後練習。 課後回家練習的項目,您可以輕鬆地自己做練習,也可以選擇與他人一起切磋討論或分享。




 太平洋時間 PT

  • 12月3日,星期五,6-8pm PT
  • 12月4日,星期六,6-8pm PT
  • 12月10日,星期五,6-8pm PT
  • 12月11日,星期六,6-8pm PT

中國標準時間 CST

  • 12月4日,星期六,10am-12pm CST
  • 12月5日,星期日,10am-12pm CST
  • 12月11日,星期六,10am-12pm CST
  • 12月12日,星期日,10am-12pm CST



假如您無法在現場參與課程,我們鼓勵您仍然可以報名註冊,在課後幾天我們將會通知一個效期十五天的課程錄影連結給所有註冊的學員。為方便課程回顧,我們將會錄製課程中學習的部分,可能包括問與答。錄影回放的連結會在課後寄送給學員。我們不會錄製小組分享的內容,也盡可能不去錄到個人的影音,如果您在大組中提出疑問或是分享回饋時,覺得自己不想被錄製到,請隨時告訴我們暫停錄製。除非得到當事人的同意,所有錄製到的個人影音部分我們絕不會對課程以外的人分享。 建議您先下載WeChat軟體,所以您可以更方便地收到我們的課程錄影以及課程提醒。



加幣 $188




謝謝我們款項的捐贈人,海文社區多元化以及包容基金將提供有限的名額讓需要的人來申請全部或局部的助學金,申請人必須在課程開始的七天之前提出申請,有關更多的資訊或是申請上的恊助請點選這裡 ___。這次課程的申請截止日:20211125日。



這個線上課程將在免費的Zoom視頻會議軟體上進行,學員可以方便地在各種裝置上使用這個軟體。您會需要一個數位裝置,(我們推薦桌上型電腦或膝上型電腦,平板裝置或是手機也可以使用,)另外必須有順暢的網路連結和聲音功能,(我們推薦使用耳機,內建或外接式麥克風,或是發聲系統也可行。)您可以點選下面的連結來測試您的裝置連線以及實用性 zoom.us/test.  請在課前15分鐘提早上線,我們將提供必須的技術支援服務。




Conflict and Co-creation in Relationships

 “For one human being to love another; that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation.”

Like the above quote by Rainer Maria Rilke, relationships are the hardest work we do and the greatest gift when they are working. In our busy world we have devoted less and less time to them. In the pandemic we had sudden big changes. Now more than ever is a good time to revisit relationships. This program is for couples, families, friends, and co-workers – it applies to all important relationships in our life or work. Together we will examine how we participate in and contribute to these important relational dynamics; how we understand ourselves and others through conflicts and differences; how we use effective tools to carry out important yet difficult conversations; most of all how we explore deeper our loving in discomfort and after losses. This is our 2021 year-end highlight of the Haven Global Bilingual Programs – it provides great opportunities to review and renew – especially in our macro and micro challenges. Not only is this the place we connect but also where we grow! Our two wonderful Haven core faculty members Cathy McNally and Wen-Shwu Lee will facilitate this journey of richness with you, and we look forward to meeting you online!



  • YOU are Key to Better Relationships

If you aren’t working on the relationships that are important to you, they will decline. Without attention people drift apart, at home, at work, with family or friends. The chance for assumptions, misunderstandings and conflict grow. How often are you on ‘automatic pilot,’ rushing through your life? The path to better relationships begins with you. Learn about human perception, stress, and mindful focus. Practice techniques to increase your awareness and improve any relationship

  • Conflict, Values, and Important Conversations

We all have people and situations that are very challenging. Times when we get triggered. What are yours? How do you react? Some get angry or loud, others shut down or are silent. Each way causes problems. Both ways avoid important conversations. Come and explore what is underlying, how conflict can be a gift, and the important conversations that can benefit your life.

  • Loving after Loss – I thought I knew everything about relationship …!

Cathy has been in three primary relationships, experiencing divorce, death, and then dating in her 60s. Join Cathy as she shares her story of learning and growing in relationship. Gain insights to take back into your own relationship and your life.

  • Integration and Deepening

This course is also a co-creation field. We believe that exploring the emerging issues and key areas of interest will lead to rich learning for us all. There will be time for group discussions, Q&A, as well as review of useful tools for aliveness and co-creativity in your life and relationships.



This bilingual program is offered in Mandarin and English with live translation. Participants will have opportunities to ask questions, discuss and interact with each other. Within the large group context, we will also use breakout rooms for smaller groups discussions (maximum seven people). Breakout rooms will be offered with language options; you can choose an English breakout room or Mandarin breakout room. We will provide Take-Home tools that you can easily use on your own and with others.



We will meet 4 times on Zoom. Depending on where you are in the world, the sessions will take place:

 In Pacific Time:  

  • Friday, December 3, 6-8pm PT
  • Saturday, December 4, 6-8pm PT
  • Friday, December 10, 6-8pm PT
  • Saturday, December 11, 6-8pm PT

In China Standard Time:  

  • Saturday, December 4, 10am-12pm CST
  • Sunday, December 5, 10am-12pm CST
  • Saturday, December 11, 10am-12pm CST
  • Sunday, December 12, 10am-12pm CST



If you are unable to join one of the sessions, we encourage you to still register. Recordings of the teaching components of each session will be accessible online for 15 days. We will be recording the learning portions of these sessions and may record Q&A. Personal sharing in breakout rooms is not recorded and participants audio and video will never be shared without consent. Recordings will be distributed to participants in this program following the live sessions. We do our best not to record audio and video of participants; however, if you are uncomfortable being recorded, please ask us to pause recording while you ask a question or share feedback. Any recording material with participants will never be shared outside of this group without consent. It is recommended that you download WeChat so that you can receive the recordings and program reminders more easily.




 The above price includes live programming of 8 hours of the program. You will also have 15 days access to recordings and technical support service.


 Access & Inclusion:

Thanks to our donors, we offer a limited number of full or partial bursaries through the Community Diversity & Inclusion Fund. Applications must be received at least 7 days prior to the program start date. Learn more and apply for support here. Funding Application Deadline: November 25, 2021.


Technical Requirements

This online program will be hosted on Zoom, a video conferencing software that is free for participants and easy to use on a variety of devices. You will need to have a device (desktop computer or laptop recommended; tablet or smartphone can work too), reliable internet connection, and sound capabilities (headset recommended; built in or external microphone or speaker systems can work too). You can test your device connection and compatibility in advance here: zoom.us/test. You will be invited to join the call up to 15 minutes early to receive technical support.



This program is a partnership between The Haven (Canada) and our China Team. We are grateful of the co-sponsorship so we can continue to offer transformational programs through The Haven and internationally. It is recommended that you download WeChat so that you can receive the recordings and program reminders more easily.


麥凱西 Cathy McNally
理學士BSc,心理諮商文憑DipC 凱西對人以及生命的可能性充滿了熱情。她在中西融合的文化中成長,她擁有商業和團隊管理的背景。凱西對差異可能帶來的禮物充滿了好奇,她致力於建立連結和創造彼此了解的機會。對於教練引領各種關係的互動凱西有著濃厚的熱情。 在經歷了重大的生命變故之後,她仍然通過運動、聲音、創造、自然、愛慾,以及社團,持續不斷在探索生命活力、分離失落,以及追求意義的旅程上前行。 她的座右銘:善良、關懷以及樂趣,使她成為廣受歡迎的團體帶領人。 自1989年與 The Haven加拿大海文學院建立關係以來,凱西認為「一起 – 好好生活」是必要、緊迫,並且是可能的。凱西目前是加拿大著名的潛能開發學院 The Haven Institute 的董事以及核心導師。 Cathy McNally BSc, DipC is passionate about people and possibility. Growing up in a mix of cultures, with a background in business and teams, Cathy is curious about the gift of differences, and is committed to connection and understanding. A particular joy is coaching relationships of all kinds. Following a major life change, she is exploring aliveness, loss and meaning through the adventure of movement, voice, creativity, nature, eros and community. Her trademark kindness, caring and fun make her a sought-after group leader. Associated with The Haven since 1989, Cathy believes…
Learn more about 麥凱西 Cathy McNally
李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee 
心理谘商文凭、企业教练硕士认证、企管硕士、艺术学士、文学士、身心整合夫妻疗愈认证、身体经验创伤疗法认证  CEC, Dip-C, MBA, BFA, BA, PACT Level II Certification, SE Advanced Certification   加拿大 The Haven 学院核心导师 加拿大 The Haven 学院前董事 加拿大 The Haven 学院前中国实习生总监   文淑是一位熱情,專業,平易近人的導師。她擁有跨越東西文化的豐富人生閱歷,她的教學以人性為出發點,在她熱情關懷以及洞察人心的教學風格中,文淑有效地整合了她的專業背景與生活經驗,並巧妙地將心理咨商,教練領導,創意啓發,身體經驗,夫妻成長,等不同的學說和技巧融會應用於身心整合的全人發展工作中。多年來她在大中國地區,北美,以及全球的線上平台上教授個人及專業成長課程,引導學員從桎梏的模式,轉化壓力挑戰為有效資源,蛻變為每人的獨特魅力與健康人際關係。在加拿大著名的潛能開發機構海文學院,文淑是唯一的一位中國人被認可進入海文的核心導師, 在台灣她也是樂泉咨詢顧問公司的創辦人。 https://pptrain.com/   Wen-Shwu Lee CEC, DipC, MBA, BFA, BA, PACT Level II Certification, SE Advanced Certification is a dedicated, accomplished, and personable educator who brings a wealth of cross-cultural experiences to her work. With a humanistic teaching approach, she seamlessly blends her extensive professional background with her life experiences. Wen-Shwu skillfully applies a variety of theories and techniques, including psychological counseling, coaching leadership, creativity inspiration, somatic experiencing, and relational transformation, in her holistic approach towards the development and integration…
Learn more about 李文淑 Wen-Shwu Lee