
International Holistic Centres’ Gathering Day 1

Those of you who follow The Haven on Facebook will know that Morag and I made it here in one piece! After recent trips to China and Scotland, I was a bit blase about what I thought would be a short hop down the west coast. It took 12 hours in all, by bus, two flights and an hour long taxi ride, but it was so worth it! The flight from San Fransisco to Monterey showed us some of the beautiful coastline here, and the hour in the taxi gave us a closer view. We drove right along the coast, with the mighty Pacific Ocean on our right, crossing bridges that were put up during the Great Depression across the canyons. It’s breathtakingly beautiful.

Esalen is amazing.

It’s always so much fun to come as a guest to another centre. That, and the sharing of best practices, makes the Centres Gathering a very valuable experience. Centres are like human beings – we are alike in so many ways, and have our different quirks! The first day has been very rich, and a great mixture of learning and experiencing. We talked about our mission and vision statements in the morning, and then had a sweat lodge in the afternoon, and this evening mineral baths. This is one of those times when I think I have the best job in the world! Tomorrow there’s more discussions, and I begin to plan the workshop I am co-facilitating at the weekend with leaders from other centres which focusses on how to start and run a holistic centre.

It’s been a long first full day, so I will sign off now, sending you all warm wishes from Esalen.

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